Chapter 37

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Jonathan's P.O.V

"I can't believe you just hired another bitch." Yvonne busts in my office fuming while slamming folders on my desk.

"Well good morning to you too." I ignore her first comment.

"Ugh, this is unbelievable. She made me fetch her a coffee from Starbucks like I'm her personal assistant." She complains while plopping down into the seat across from my desk.

I just begin to tune her out as I look through the folders she threw on my desk.

I haven't heard much about Ray's death since I had my guys look into it.

"Jonathan are you listening to me?" She whines.

"Look, Yvonne, I honestly couldn't hear shit over the sound of your obvious insecurity. Call up Mark and have him hire her a p.a. And please get the hell out and do your job." I squeeze the bridge of my nose to stop a headache.

She just stands there in shock.

"What? Fucking, what? Do you need a dick up your ass to get going?" I shout.

"Ugh, so fucking unbelievable. You know... I love you so much right, but you are just such a dick to me." She suddenly confesses making me sick.

"Ok, let me get one thing straight. I'm your Boss, before anything and it seems you've gotten a little bit too fucking comfortable." I glare at her. "Listen real real hard, just because we fucked on occasions didn't mean I liked you or wanted to be together. You're a bit too crazy for my taste. Got it?" I tell her bluntly.

"It's because of that fucking Trina that you can't love me fully, cause you're still stuck on her." She stands up staring at me with her fist balled. As her face was getting red she began to look a bit deranged.

"Look it's got nothing to do with Trina. Drop this love shit and just fucking do your job. I should've ended this way before now." I say. "And if you come in here disrespectfully or do or say anything out of line again you will be finding yourself a new fucking job." I warn her one last time.

"Yes, sir." She says through thin lips and gritted teeth.

"Knock knock." Lottie's unfamiliar voice rings as she peeks her head in the door.

Yvonne immediately turns and walks out the door brushing passed Lottie.

"Well, excuse me." Lotties voice twangs with an accent as she rolls her eyes at my rude assistant.
"It's none of my business but you might wanna get rid of her." She flashes her eyes at me.

"Mhm, you're right it isn't any of your business." I lean back and cross my arms. "What is it?"

"I just thought I'd personally come and show you why your numbers have been off." She says showing me a file.

I look at her and then it, taking it from her.

"You have a bunch of uncertified accountants and also lots of people who don't even have a degree in accounting working in my department." She crosses her arms taping her fingers.

"Well did you fix the problem?" I sneer.

"Yup, I just fired the ones who messed up the accounts and let it continue. I told the uncertified ones that they have 6 months to get their CPA. And the ones who don't even have a degree in accounting I removed them from my department and sent half to HR and half to Mark. I figured the chief of operations could use more help." She says as she paces back and forth.

The Business Contract जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें