Chapter 16

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(A/N: finally found a face for Trina)
Trina McMillan P.O.V

I just couldn't contain my rage. I was pissed! No pissed is an understatement...

Before I knew it I had already made my way towards Rory's office and barged in.

"What the-!?" He says hanging up his phone and standing up from behind his desk.

Every inch of me wanted to punch this disgusting pervert in the face until he was black and blue.

But look at my hands, they're too pretty to mess up over this revolting rat.

I was deep in thought while staring at my hands before his voice pulled me out.

"Trina, why'd you just storm into my office? Is there an issue?"

Yes, you're a big human cesspool of issues.

I take a deep breath and force a smile at him.
"No, actually yes. I need for you to pull up all these records and bring them to me by tomorrow morning." I slap the files on his desk. 

He picks them up and looks through them before dropping his mouth open.

"Tomorrow?! These files will take at least two days!" He protests. "And why couldn't one of them do it. I'm busy as is?"

"Looks to me like you were having a nice and chatty conversation on the phone,  you're not busy at all. I want them by tomorrow." I smile and turn walking away.

I walk to the front of the cubicles so everyone can see me.

"Hello! Okay guys so today is about to come to an end. Thank you all so much for those of you that stayed. You all will be receiving bonuses for not quitting due to the changes." They look at me and nod, some of them smiling including Nevaeh.

"It's crazy that when I came in this morning there were literally seventeen of you and now there is only seven" I look around once more.
"Tomorrow will officially begin the real work. I will hopefully be bringing in my team who will help a lot as well. If you're finished you may go ahead and leave."

I watch as Rory dashes to the elevator not before giving Carlie a peculiar glance then leaving.

Ugh he's such a fucking creep

I walk to Carlie.
"Before you leave, move all of your belongings to my personal assistant desk."

She looks at me in confusion.
"I'm sorry, do what ma'am?"

"Move your things to your new desk down the hall there." I point in the direction of my office and her new desk.

"Oh my goodness Ms!" She covers her mouth as her eyes swell with tears.
"Ms. McMillan I couldn't possibly... I thought that was for your requested p.a."

"And now I have requested for you. Jhene will do great in your spot and you will do great in your new spot as my personal assistant."

"Yes ma'am!" She says as she grabs her basket from under her desk and puts her things in it.

"And yes you will be getting a pay raise." I assure her.
"As my personal assistant your workload won't be light but I know you can handle it."

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