Chapter 27

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I had just got home with Anais when I received the phone call from Trina.

"I know you told me to take tomorrow off." She sniffles. And I hear sirens on her end.

"Is something going on? I hear police sirens." I ask.

"Yeah...I think I will need the next week off sir. Someone broke into my house and destroyed it."  She tells me through her tears.

I hate that she's crying. I hated when she cried in Cincinnati and I hate it now.

"Send me your location." I say as I put my car in reverse backing out of my garage.

"N-no, you don't have to come. I just wanted to let you know. I've called my parents already." She tries to reassure me.

"Trina, send me the location." I say with a stricter tone.

"Daddy where are we going?" Anais asks.

"I'm gonna take you back to Gigi's for a little bit, ok?" I answer my sweet darling.

"I sent it sir." Trina says the same time as my phone buzzes with the notification.

"Got it be there in a few." I say before hanging up.

"Daddy you just came back home. Why are you leaving me again?" She asks with a quiver in her voice.

"No, no Anais not you too baby..." I stop the car to turn to her.

"I don't want to go to Gigi's daddy, I miss you!" She cries.

My heart.

"Come here sweet pea." I gesture to her as she unbuckles and comes to me. "I won't be gone long. I just want to check on a friend. I care about her deeply and I want to make sure she is okay."

"Can't I come with you?" She asks

"If it were under different circumstances, I would have loved to bring you baby." I watch as her shoulders droop down.

"But I promise to bring you along on one of my next adventures and you can meet my special friend." I say to her smiling as she perks back up.

"Okay daddy, deal." She smiles sitting back in her seat and buckling back up as I drive on. "

"But!" She adds " you have to take me and your friend shopping and ice cream" she bargains.

Anais knows she has me wrapped around her little fingers.

"Fine!" I say in a defeated tone "deal!"

"Yay!" She squeals.


Trina lives about 20 minutes from my parents place.

So she lives about 25ish minutes from me. This is a pretty decent neighborhood too.

As I get closer to the destination the number of cop cars and small grouping of people give her house away. 

As I pull up they have the yellow tape out and they aren't letting anyone in. There is a reporter and her camera man outside of the house as well so I avoid her line of view as I dial up Trina's number.

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