Chapter 19

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Ross Jr. POV

"-Yeah Fred, it's great to be starting business with you man. It's been a long time coming. - yeah so we'll meet up for Cincinnati in a month. - great man. -Alright, bye." I end my business call.

I turn from my chair towards Trina, Mack, Mrs. Janice and Rory.

"So I only want to know one question... who put you up to it?" I ask Rory.

The person sitting in front of me was red faced and tears welling in his eyes.

Fucking pathetic

"How much did they offer you to still multimillions from me!??" I get irritated.

He just keeps his head down.

"We're not getting nothing outta him R.J." Mack scoffs.

"I know. Just send them up to collect him." I turn my back towards them.

Then I hear him laugh.

"What's so funny!?" Mack questions.

"The person is closer than you think." He laughs in between his sentences. "She's practically breathing on your neck and you don't even know it." He looks in Trina's direction before speaking again.

"I won't be in there long, she'll get me out." He chuckles.

"So the person you're working for is a woman!?" I question. "Who is it!?"

But he just laughs. "The money is gone. What you saw isn't even a third of what's gone." He laughs louder.

"Well, keep on yapping you idiot." Trina chimes in. "Lawyers are present as well and you think you might be getting out but laundering money is a huge offense. You learned that in accounting ethics 101."

It's a woman... it couldn't be Trina... no. She has no motive. But I have no close women business partners...

"Mr. Ross!" I am pulled out of my thought by Janice.

"Uh, yeah." I say then seeing the policemen standing behind Rory.

"This is him?" Officer one says.

"Yes." I shake me head.

"Ok." He nods then stands in front of Rory as officer 2 put cuffs on him. "Rory, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used in the court of law against you, you have a right to a lawyer, if you do not have a lawyer we will appoint you one. Do you understand your rights?" He reads him his Miranda rights.

"Yes I do." He says staring straight. But strangely a single tear falls from his eye before he is taken away.

"Sir we have everything we need and are on our way out." My lawyer one tells me.

"Ok thank you." I nod.

"I just wanna put out there, Trina, that I don't think the 'she' he's talking about is you." Mack says to break the ice.

"Oh thank God. Cause I'd hate to have to-." She doesn't finish her sentence because they look at me who is straight faced.

"Too soon?" Mack asks and Trina nods before Janice smacks him. As they all smirk and laugh lightening the mood.

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