Chapter 60

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Back at the hospital
"Lottie's P.O.V"

After weeks of wandering in the black abyss, and talking to my daddy who I haven't seen in a long time. He told me I didn't belong in the abyss, and that he's sorry that this was the last time we'd meet.

He told me it was time to return to the land of the living. Afterwards he kissed my forehead and I felt like I was falling quickly as darkness consumed my father.

Upon opening my tear soaked eyes, I found myself in a dully lit hospital room, with beeping sounds and nurses all in my room.

They were looking at the television.

I maneuver my head to look around the nurse and I watch in shock as I see my husband fall to his death before the news live-cast is cut and goes offline.

As everyone gasps in the room.

I begin to hyperventilate which elevates the monitor causing the women to turn and see me awake.

"Oh my gosh, Mrs. Wyles is awake."one nurse says as she quickly rushes to my side.

Once she removes my face mask, I scream and cry which frightens them and so they sedate me.
I cry myself into a slumber.

"My love."  I hear Jon but how? Then he speaks again.

"My love, please don't be worried, dismayed, or angry." He says as he caresses my face.

"Why baby, you were supposed to be here with me, what am I going to do now?" I ask through my tears.

"You will be taken care of for the rest of your life. And you have allies now. You won't be alone."  He grabs me into an embrace. "And our sons they're gonna be beautiful and great men."

"Sons?" I cry.

"Yes my love, and in remembrance of me name them Jonathan Jr. and Joseph."  He tells me.

I just sobbed in his embrace.
For a long time we stayed like this until he finally told me. "Baby it's time for you to go back. This isn't the end for us. I'll be here with you forever and watching over you all."

"What if- what if I want to stay here with you!!" I cry as I hold onto him tightly.

He kisses my forehead. "You have our legacy to carry on." As I fall from him a bright light comes from behind him engulfing him in its brightness.

Upon the return to my body I wake up and tears falls as I rub my belly.
"Jonathan Jr. and Joseph."

I weep as I stare at the off air television.

Moments later Trina and Ross walk in.

'You have allies now.' I hear the repeated words of my love.

"Trina!" I shout and tears fall.
She practically jumps out her wheelchair to hug me.

They share their condolences to me because of Jonathan's death, then they explain to me what happened. Not long after, Trina pulls out a jar filled with murky red water.

After I look in it, I realize that it was a tongue and teeth floating around.

"Ahh!" I say almost dropping the jar.

"I had them cut it, she wanted to die but I said she will have everything but death." Trina said in such a dark manner.

"Trina, no, this is not you. Think about your bundle of joy you're carrying." I say trying to persuade her until I look at their faces.

"Our baby didn't make it." Ross says.

I grow silent.
What can I say? The bitch killed my husband, tried to kill me, tried to kill Trina and succeeded in killing her unborn child.

I know that this is much bigger. I know that Yvonne was just s pawn. It's Ross' sister, it's family business.

"I won't go against you both, because I get it. I just ask for protection." I begin before the new cuts back on.

"Just in, after seeing the shocking live video of Multimillionaire Jonathan Wyles falling to his death after being SHOT!" The anchorman pauses. "His parents were both found dead in their mansion" The anchorman pauses. "Just a moment of silence."

Ross quickly turns the TV off.

"She's gotta be stopped." Ross says while clenching his fist. Then he pulls his phone out to call Carter.

"Up security at mom and dads." He says quickly.

"Already on it sir." Carter responds.

Shaken to my core, I look back and forth from Ross to Trina.

"You will be okay." Ross says. "The business will go to Aaron I assume, and you get all of Jonathan's assets." He explains to me.

Suddenly Ross' phone rings.

"It's Aaron."  He reassures me before speaking to him.

"He says he's on the way to pick you up and have you be on bed rest at his home." Ross explains and I just nod.

"It will all be okay." Trina says. And I nod again trying to hold back tears.


Aaron later, arrives and he discharges me as the only living relative I have left.

"Hold on a second." I stop Aaron so I can make a request to Ross and Trina.

"What's up?" Ross asks.

"Bring my fathers ashes back." I say with teary eyes. "He died all alone, and I know she must have stashed his body somewhere. Please find it, if possible, and if you can't do that. Just get his faction ring for me."

"Okay okay no stressing, we will get it back no matter what. You focus on delivering to full term okay." Ross smiles at me.

"You guys take care." I say rubbing Trina's arm as she looks disassociated.

Aaron wheels me out and to his place I go.
Everything will be okay.  I know it.
A/N: It's so surreal 😭😭😭😢


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