Chapter 3

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Trina McMillan POV

"That FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I swear out loud as I pack my office up throwing all my belongings into the box I had sitting on the chair.

Finally letting reality hit me I break down, tears flowing from my eyes as I pack up my room watching everything I worked so hard for going down the drain.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this..." I struggle to spit out through tears before I quickly wipe my face as I hear knocking at my door.

"What is it?" I answer

Yura pokes her head through the door then gasps as she runs toward me hugging me tight.

"Trina you can fight this! All you have to do is get a good lawyer. He is retaliating which is against the law." She ushers me

"A lawyer...? He's 'friends' with all the Dallas lawyers. Reamis being his BEST friend -And Dallas' best lawyer..." I struggle out the words through tears as I continue ripping my pictures off the wall through her embrace.

"Trin, I'll quit too, we can find a better job and work our way up to the top together!"

God I loved Yura she was always so encouraging and on my side no matter what but I couldn't do that to her.

"No, I could never ask you to quit for my sake. He already fired my whole financial department managers and coordinators along with me." I cry as the guilt sets on my shoulders.

"These people are out of a job because of me and I wouldn't be able to handle it if you quit as well just to comfort me."

"Trin don't you do that! Don't you dare blame yourself for that narcissist not being able to handle rejection. It's nice for him to get a taste of his own medicine. And what goes around surely does come around!" She grips my shoulders looking me in the eyes and smiling sweetly at me.

She was truly the big sister I never had and never knew I needed in my life.

Before I could respond the intercom for the whole building goes off.

INTERCOM: "It is now 8:30 and Trina McMillan and the entire financial team management and coordinators need to be off the premises immediately." Jonathan's voice sounds throughout the whole floor and the entire building.

This man has no sense of shame.

I sigh wiping my tears and hugging Yura as I grab my belonging and begin my walk of shame towards the elevator.

She trails behind me before grabbing my hand and walking me through the department. Where I see all of my management team hugging other co-workers and grabbing their things and walking to the elevator.

My team comes and hugs me and says farewell. As I join my management team in the elevator, they all look stressed, like they've cried or screamed. I say my final goodbye to Yura before the doors shut. No one said anything, so I finally spoke swallowing my fear and admitting my guilt.

"Everyone, your firing is my fault. I ended things with Jonathan and told him that I would prefer it if he gave me space and kept things professional. He didn't quite agree with my way of things and decided to punish me." I say as I feel the lump in my throat swelling and tears welling in my eyes.

"I am truly sorry... I let you all down. I should have just dealt with him a little longer." I hold my head low as tears fall.

First there was silence then I felt hands on my shoulders and backs as my team consoled me.

"Ms McMillan, it wasn't your fault we got fired. And to be quite honest I was going to put in my two week's notice anyways." I look up to see Garret my Tech Coordinator say to me with empathetic eyes.

"Yeah Ms Trina, and to be honest we all knew about your issues with the boss man. It wasn't a secret and we knew he was putting you through a lot and would take it out on the financial department." Emma says.

"In short- we don't blame you for a grown man's actions. He thinks because he is boss, that he is made of fire. But everything meets it's match." Another manager said.

I smile through my tears as I thank God for giving me such an understanding team.

"Just know guys that I WILL in my best of power get you back in your positions. I promise it!" I look up at them empowered before hearing the elevator ding realizing we're at the bottom floor and at the elevator doors awaited police officers.

"Alright you bunch, time to exit the building" Officer one orders.

"We know, we know. We're going!" I snap as I snatch my arm away from him as I wonder why he only grabbed my arm. "Do not touch me!" I spit at the officer.

I am livid as I march out of the building only to see that my car is being hooked up to a tow truck.

"Um HELLO???! That's my car!!!!" I yell at the man.

"Well now it's going to the precinct, you can pick it up from there. It was illegally parked in the employee parking garage. The boss man ordered me to take it off his premises." He says as he writes the total for towing it on a pink slip and giving it to me.

"WHAT?! I parked there because I a- was an employee until just recently!." I scream as I drop my box of supplies trying to stop the man from leaving.

"Sir is this woman causing you problems?" Police officer one is back in my business.

I back off as I see exactly what's going on here. They are in cahoots with Jonathan and he is trying to embarrass me like I did him.

"FUCK YOU JONATHAN WYLES!" I scream up to the glass building as I pick up my box and stomp off down the street. Watching as the tow truck quickly left out of my sight. Tears begin to slowly roll down my cheeks as I realize my life really changed all because of a simple breakup.


A/N *You guys I'd like to point out that Jonathan is so funny and petty😭🫣... and call me Devil's advocate but he's my favorite right now simply because I can make him as petty as I want and how I'd actually be in a real life situation lol. 😂😅💁🏾‍♀️

Would you ever tow your ex's car??? I'll answer first. Yup SNS. hehe 🤷🏾‍♀️


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