Chapter 51

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Jonathan P.O.V

"C'mon baby just one more go?" I caress my Lottie as she leans her naked body against mine.

She chuckles then looks at me. "You're lucky I caved in this morning. Lately I haven't been feeling too hot." She says running her hands through her hair.

"What's wrong? Do you need to go to the doctor. I have been -." I begin but she stops me.

"I'm fine, I've just been a bit stressed. I must be making myself sick. I'm going to shower first." She says getting up and going to the shower.

I hear the shower running so I get up and creep to the door. And I see her on her knees throwing up in the toilet.

I slide my pants on and go in there. I gently touch her on her back making her jump. "Oh my gosh, you scared me." She chuckles nervously.

"You need to go to the doctor Baby." I look at her in concern.

She then begins to cry before saying to me assertively, "I'm keeping this baby, if you don't want anything to do with me or the baby then that's fine." She stares at me through tears.

I don't know if I should have been shocked or offended.

"Why would I want you to get rid of our baby?" I question her. "How long have you been dealing with the sickness?"  Kneeling down to her I pull her into a hug. "You could have told me. You know it's just me and you."

She begins to cry harder and I let her. We stay like this for a while before she calms down and begins to talk.

"I am in love with you Jonathan Wyles. And to me this baby is a symbol of our love. If you had told me to not have the baby I would have been broken but I would have raised our beautiful lovechild on my own." She pauses. "I missed my period a little over two weeks ago and lately I've just been having trouble fighting the morning sickness."

"Okay, let's go and get confirmation." I say as we get ready to go to a private OBGYN clinic.

At the clinic

"Ms. Edwards, Mr. Wyles." The doctor calls us back.

We go into the room and Lottie sits on the table, I sit in the chair beside her and the doctor comes in behind us closing the door.

"So we have some good news." The doctor begins.

"Okay." I say looking at the doc while holding Lottie's hand tightly.

"You guys are pregnant. A little over seven weeks" the doctor specifies.

"I only missed my period two weeks ago." Lottie clarifies.

"Oh, well, your blood test and urine sample showed high levels of Progesterone and hCg. This could be an indicator of a possible twin pregnancy." The doctor explains.

Charlotte and I look at each other then back at the doctor in shock.

She chuckles. "Yes I know it can be a bit overwhelming but to be for sure, I'd love to schedule an ultrasound in two weeks. You'll be right at ten weeks pregnant and the perfect time to see the tots on screen. But for now would you like to hear the heart beats?" She asks.

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