Chapter 57

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Trina P.O.V

I don't know when I got separated from Ross, or how I lost my phone. Must have been in the bathroom. That's when I kicked off my shoes and began running.

It was like out of a scary movie.

I was standing at the sink washing my hands and I was about to touch up on my makeup, when the crazy bitch came out of a stall with the gun pointed at me.

I looked at her through the mirror and chuckled to swallow my fear. But that was quickly dissolved when Yvonne shot the gun and the entire mirror shattered on me and all over the floor.

The gun sound rang so loud... where was everyone? Why didn't anyone come at the sound of shooting?


"Aw, what's wrong? No one coming for you?" She says stepping out of the stall, revealing a twisted smile on her face.
"What's wrong, you were smiling earlier. I thought we were having fun?" She cocks her head to the side.

I look quickly towards my phone once I see that Ross is calling. But as I try to go for it she shoots my phone,  debris from the sink flings up and pierces my hand.

I hold my bleeding hand tightly as I look at the deranged woman.
"You know you're gonna die, right?" I ask her through tears of anger.

"Yeah." She says before pointing the gun towards my head. "But not before you."  She pulls the trigger but it clicks.

"Oh silly me, the safety was put back on." She giggles before back handing me. "I suggest you run. I think that'll make this game much more fun." She says looking at me with crazy eyes as a tear falls from one of them.

I scuffle up before bursting out of the bathroom door and towards the exit doors.

"How the fuck did she have time to chain the doors?" I think before realizing that this was an inside job.
But who? Gotta be someone from Wyles Inc.
Mark? No way, no way!

"No, no, no, no." I shout as I run to the other exit door only to see him locking me inside from the outside.
"Why Mark?" I shout. "I thought you and Taleah?"

He chuckles, "It's always been Ellie. And always will be."

Teardrops fall from my eyes as I look at him, "She's going to kill you, just like she killed Lottie's dad. It's still not too late."

"I have nothing else to lose, so if she kills me at least it'll be by the one I love." He says sounding brain washed. "I am sorry it's you who ended up being a target though."

I hear a horn beep three times and then two, and one. Before long I watch him run and jump over the venue wall.

Tears fall down my face as I realize how fucked up this entire situation is.

"Awhhh, taking a break right in plain sight, maybe you need some motivation." I hear the deranged woman say as she shoots at the door only a foot from me.

Quickly I stand up, busting my way to the fire escape and begin climbing up the flight of stairs.

Ross, please, please find me before she does. I say a silent prayer as I hear the crazy woman using something to bang on the walls.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" The crazy woman hollers in a menacing way. 

I just gotta make it back to the stairs. I can yell from the top of the building.

I peek out of my hiding spot to see that she has wandered all the way down the hall so I run towards the fire escape.

"A ha!" She says firing a shot and it pierces me in the side of my leg. "Bullseye!" She screams as I cry and wince in pain as I climb the stairs.

I've never been shot before, and there's so much blood coming from my leg. But I can't die now... I applied pressure to Ross' to stop his bleeding. But I don't have time at the moment to do all of that.

I quickly rip the bottom of dress and exposing my bleeding wound I press the fabric against my leg and wince out in pain. The pain was so bad that I wanted to pass out.

"Oh lookie , a trail to find my hunting prize." Yvonne squeals sickeningly at my blood drops on the ground.

I quickly come back to reality and get up limping up to the roof top.

"HELP!!" I holler as I run to the edge and I see that I am very high up.

There were cop cars down below though, so someone must have heard the gun shots.

"Awww, they can't hear you over the music." The madwoman coos from the darkness behind me.

"Yvonne please?" I plead. "Why are you doing this, all for Jonathan?" I stare at her before suddenly a news helicopter puts its spot light on us.

Yvonne grow more aggravated as she realizes her time is almost up

"Oh please bitch." She strides to me before kicking me in my wound."

I scream in agony.

"This is me defending my pride and also checking off my bucket list." She huffs before grabbing my hair in her hands. "Number one: Kill Trina, just because I fucking want to. Now stand up." She pulls my hair harder as I yell.

From the corner of my eye in the shadows behind us I see something and slowly as he emerges I see it's Aaron.

I sigh in relief as I begin to hear Ross running up the stairs. She turns noticing Aaron and quickly points the gun at me but Aaron tackles her.

As they scramble for her gun Ross steps on her hand quickly kicking it away. He then runs to me and embraces me before recognizing my bleeding leg and hand.

"I'm going to kill this bitch." He squeezes me tightly before turning to go to her.

Jonathan soon burst upstairs afterwards. He see Yvonne on the ground and stares at her with such hate. I almost thought he was going to kill her  but he see me and runs to me.

"You okay?" He asks and I shake my head.  He then follows Ross, joining Aaron.

"Hey, hey, guys, let me just say one thing before y'all kill me on live local news." She smirks.

It was a movement so quick, I didn't see it. Before I knew it she had reached in her boot and grabbed out a tiny gun and shot it at me.

I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the bullet to make impact but instead I feel hands tighten around my arms before they go limp.

A/N: 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😢 wahhhhhhhh (snot nosed crying.)

You know what to do if you liked this chapter. I'm in tears rn. 🥺🥺😭😢


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