Chapter 26

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Trina's POV

Tektech corporation is a new black owned business that finally got the funding to get on their feet.

It makes me happy to see black owned business making way in this corrupt industry. But it was just too bad that I can't fucking focus!

Ross has been ignoring my presence all night! I want nothing more then to just tell him I'm sorry and to explain the previous night's event.

Who am I kidding he doesn't want to hear that shit.

I hadn't realized I was still staring at him until the conversation was on me, eyes were on me, specifically his!

"Trina!?" He says in question form.
Did they ask me something because honestly I just fucking can't.

"Excuse me." I say as I place my champagne down on  the waiters tray and walk away to the bathrooms.

I go in the bathroom and I pull out my phone searching for a nearby Uber to rescue me from this night. As I am searching I get a text message.

Text message:

Ross: Running from your issues won't solve the problem.

Me: What are you talking about who said I was running from anything!?

Ross: Sure... whatever makes you feel better. Come back out because they really want to talk to you.

Me: You know what, yeah I'm leaving...

I send the message as I walk out of the bathroom, and make my way towards the entrance.

I'm such a fucking coward.

As I am weaving through the crowd I suddenly feel a grasp around my wrist and my heart suddenly flutters.

I turn to see Ross holding on to my wrist.
And my heart just melts as tears softly begin to slide down my cheeks. But before I can wipe my tears, he pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Let's go somewhere more private." He whispers in my ear before resting his chin on the top of my head.

I can hear his heart racing. Just like mine.

I don't quite know why I cried, it's not like I did anything wrong. But Ross is just someone I don't want to disappoint. I have a deep seated fear of him losing faith in me.

"Please don't lose faith in me, or see me any differently..." I say softly as I fight back tears.

He pulls out some tissues from his suit pocket and hands me one.
"Let's go over here Trina" he guides me with one hand on my lower back as we walk to a quiet sitting area away from the party.

He studies my face while allowing me a chance to regain my mentality and composure.

He clears his throat before speaking, "I'll never, NOT have faith in you Trina."
"I believe you're a great woman, a great person, and an amazing business companion."

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