Chapter 47

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Jonathan's P.O.V

"Yes I'll take the steak, medium please." The beautiful blonde across me reads off her menu as she talks to the waiter.

She places it down smiling at me with a cute shrug.

"And you sir?" He asks me

"I'll get the same thing." I smile handing the menu to him.

It's been a while since I've been back to this restaurant to think it would be with her.

"This is a lovely restaurant, can't say I've ever been here." Lottie says as she twinkles her pretty big eyes at me.

"Yeah I used to come here on special occasions." I say before taking a swig of my wine.

"Well thank you for choosing me as your special occasion." She winks before sipping her wine as well.

Ever since Lottie confessed her feelings for me, she has come around consistently ensuring her presence was known in subtle ways.

I eventually couldn't hold back anymore and I began to pursue her. I thought it would be easy but we have been talking for a few weeks and she is fascinating and not easy.

After getting to know Lottie, I know that she is kind and caring. She talks often about how she regrets things that she's done and said. We connected on topics of our fathers, she cut ties with hers as he became more deranged after getting a new girlfriend. I, on the other hand, am just a pawn in my dad's chess game. Babies born into the mafia die in or to the mafia, there is no escape.

But what I think I like the most about Lottie is that she talks about escape. She speaks with a sparkle in her eyes when she talks about her future and living in the countryside on a lot of land. I myself couldn't see her living off the grid but she swore she would one day. Maybe I could help her.

"What are you day dreaming about? Don't tell me the wine has already kicked in." She teases me brushing her foot against my leg. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she's a tease.

"I was actually just admiring you're beauty, but not your outer. You're actually a beautiful woman inside as well as out." I say straightforward.

I can tell this shocks her because she pauses, looking at me with a hint of shock following amusement.

"Well, don't stop there." She smiles, running her tongue across her teeth slowly while leaning forward.

"That's all." I sit back and grin smugly at her face as she chuckles.

She just gets me. And you know what,  I haven't thought about Trina or Jacobs since she's been around. Well except now. But she has said it once that she admires and envied them and that all she wants is to forgive, forget and be loved. Maybe I could...

My phone rings in the middle of my thoughts.

It's Aaron my cousin...

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, so I'm just keeping you in the loop, the other men your father sent out two ended up dead by torture and one came back relying a message." He pauses. "The message read 'I told you Wyles' that this had nothing to do with you, this is the last warning next time I will go for your sons." He finishes.

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