Chapter 8

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Trina McMillan POV

Next day
Today is the day Trina. Today is the day that everything starts over and back on track.  I think to myself as I finish putting on my makeup.

"My interview is at 8:30am" I have enough time to swing by my favorite coffee place and get my macchiato.

I grab my keys and my purse as I stop and admire myself in the full body mirror.

I decided to wear a tight fitting midi body con skirt, beige crop top, and beige heels. With my hair up in a high bun with the swooped bang to the side.

I still haven't regretted my decision to sister-lock my hair 2 years ago.

"Yes I look good!" I compliment myself. "Ross won't be able to keep his eyes off of me." I smirk to myself before shaking my head at myself.

And if you're wondering. Nope. I haven't learned my lesson.

I leave my house and off to the coffee shop.

Sipping on my macchiato as I get out of my car and walking up to the huge glass building called Jacobs&Co.

It's a little smaller then Wyles Inc. But it's just as spectacular.

I take a swallow of the macchiato before walking through the great revolving doors and then through the metal detectors and passed the security guards.

"Hi, Um it's my first time in this building and I was just wondering how do I get to Ross Jacobs Jr. floor; I have an interview there." I ask the ground floor secretary

"Ah, yes Mr. Jacobs Jr is on floor 17. You can just take the employee elevator to the left." She points me in the direction.

"Thank you." I smile before walking in that direction and getting in the elevator with J&Co employees.

As the elevator is going up the elevator is getting less and less crowded until it is just myself and 2 other people: a man and a woman.
The elevator stops at 17th floor and all three of us get off the elevator. I walk towards the secretary desk facing the elevator to a pretty young lady on the phone.

"Yes sir. I will definitely translate the message to Mr Jacobs personal assistant... -yes I understand how urgent this is but I am not Mr. Jacobs personal assistant I am just the secretary of the 17th floor." The woman looks stressed as she listens to what sounds like a man yelling on the other line.

The woman that was on the elevator with me steps beside me and interjects into the conversation.

"Give the phone here Dannie." She motions for the younger woman to give her the phone.

"Ye- yes ma'am. -sir here's Mr. Jacobs personal assistant.." she exclaims as she quickly hands the phone over.

"Hello? This is Mr. Jacobs personal assistant. My name is Janice... now what message do I need to give Mr. Jacobs that you are giving our secretary a hard time about." She questions the man on the phone.

I am already afraid of this woman , she means business. But now I'm in awe because I love seeing a strong woman in corporate America.

"Hmm let's see." The woman stares at her nails then looks at me while faking a yawn before winking. "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Jacobs is booked from here on out until December, call back then. And maybe with a better attitude." The woman named Janice retorts at the caller on the phone before ending the call.

"Thank you Mrs. Janice!" The girl named Dannie smiles while taking the phone back and hanging it up. Then directing her attention towards me.

"I'm sorry about that ma'am, how can I help you." She smiles at me.

"Uh, yes My name is —
I begin

"You're Trina McMillan." Janice finishes my sentence. Before holding a hand out to shake mine.

"Yes that's me." I smile while shaking her hand. "You're Janice, Mr. Jacobs PA."

"Correct. Come on, I'll lead you to his office. He's been anxious all morning." She leads me through his office floor that has a few cubicles passed the secretary's desk. There were offices lined up against the wall, then down a hall we come up to her desk and computer outside a tall pair of doors.

"Right there through those doors is Mr. Jacobs office. Go ahead in I'll let him know you're entering." She says to me as she goes behind her desk and sits down. Pressing a button the door buzzes letting me go through.

I walk through the door to see a second set of doors. Inside the corridor is pictures of him, his father, his mother, and a baby girl.
I walk to the other door and knock on it.

"Come in" I hear from the inside

My stomach instantly drops at the thought of seeing this handsome man in person again. As I take a deep breath.

"Ok Trina, you're not here to throw yourself on his desk with your ass up. You're here for an interview." I whisper to myself as I rub the sweat off my hands. Fix my skirt and push the door open.

"Good morning Mr. Jacobs jr." I say as I walk into the massive office. Windows along the entire back wall. And him sitting at his desk in the middle of the office. It was decorated very nicely. Plants, paintings, and family portraits.

"Good morning Ms. McMillan, please come take a seat." He says in a deep voice as he gets up and walks around his desk and leans back on it.

He is standing in blue suit pants and a white button up shirt with a grey tie. I can tell he works out.

Good God above please keep my thoughts pure! I want a job more then I want a man.

I sit down in the seat across from him and look up at him as he stares in my eyes before smirking.

I'm sorry God... I think I want this man.

A/N* sorry guys I had a case of writers block plus work just got busier so I kind of put this on the back burner.

RJ is fine. Period. Point. Blank. 🥵
Jonathan is coming I promise for you Wyles fans 😅 👋🏾
Trina a big-ole-freak. Big booty, big ole treat. 🎶🎼


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