Chapter 53

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Trina P.O.V

At the Gala

Seeing all of our hard work lit up and live tonight was so worth it. So many executives and stockholders showed up. We were full capacity with a waiting list.

I was adorned in a beautiful gold dress that touched the floor. My heels were matching gold red bottom heels. And I had me a black clutch purse, a Van Cleef , black and gold single pendant necklace with the matching earrings.

And I was on the arm of my kingpin, Ross, who was dressed in a black suit with a gold tie and a gold handkerchief. He had on his wrist his gold watch and on his finger our matching promise ring.

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"Fine. It's cool tonight." I say back as we stop to take pictures.

"I kind of wished we had seen the results before coming." He says as he walks us through the crowd.

"I know, but we will know as soon as we get home." I smile as I hear the man announcing Ross, and my arrival as the crowd claps.

He leads us to a group of other executives as we shake hands and chit chat. He places his hand on the small of my back as to my surprise Fredrick joins us.

He seemed to hold no ill-will, as he came with a beautiful black woman. Her name was Sherita, we shook hands and chatted.

Then the announcer speaks "now entering, Mr. And Mrs. Jonathan and Charlotte Wyles."  The crowd claps as they come through.

Ross immediately comes back to my side as the two approach us.

Mr and Mrs Wyles?? And she looks pregnant!

Ross clears his throat as Jonathan approaches stopping in front of us with Lottie on his arm.

"Jacobs..." Jonathan says.

"Wyles." Ross scowls slightly.

"This is a nice venue, nicely done with the gala." He says.
Wait, wait, wait... is he complimenting us!?

"Thanks, it was mostly Trina and Yura." He says giving us the credit.

"Oh I can definitely tell, only a woman can pull off such elegance. Not a hint of masculine touch." Lottie speaks before directing her attention to me. "Fellas, while your presence is most cherished might us ladies talk. Go do what fellas do." She says shooing the men away.

Ross looks at me but I nod letting him know it's okay so he walks off with Wyles.

"You want to talk to me?" I say looking at her with cross armed. "I thought you hated me?"

"That's what I want to talk to you about... we started off on the wrong foot." She says and grabs my hand suddenly.

"I acted back then out of fear, and hurt. And it was wrong, and I'm sorry..." she says while holding my hand and looking down.

"You're beautiful, you're successful, you're amazing, your name is in rooms you have never set foot in. I was just angry, but I admire you and I want to grow close and perhaps be friends." She says honestly.

"You realize that I'm your husband's ex? And you realize all he's done to me... how can you think that that could ever be possible?" I question her.

She drops my hand and looks down, then looks me in the eyes again. "I recognize and understand what he did, I cannot excuse his past behavior. But I can say if he was the same person he was before, you and I probably wouldn't even have this conversation... there is so much he regrets, and those are wrongs he must fix. But I am currently apologizing and hoping to be given grace and forgiveness... and possibly, even if down the line, friendship."

"I cared for Ross, but Daddy was who I feared more then I cared for Ross, he threatened me many of times with killing Ross, that is why I did what I did." She explains. "But after cutting daddy off, I have been doing just fine he was just obsessed with Ross' business and money"

"Leaving him was the best decisions ever. And I'm sure you can say the same about leaving Jonathan."

I just study her face and body language.
I feel she is being honest and true, but it will take time.

"When did you two get married? And how far along are you?" I ask getting straight to the point because the curiosity was killing me.

"Last week, we had a private ceremony. It was lovely." She smiles looking down while rubbing her belly. "As for this, I'm only twelve and a half weeks. I'm pregnant with twins." She spills the tea.

"Holy moly! Congratulations!" I enthuse.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"I have one more question, but this one might be unsettling" I say.

"Okay." She says bracing herself.

"Did you by any chance know that your dad was dating Ross' sister? And that she was the reason behind so much death, money laundering, and mafia uprisings." I scan her face realizing she must not have had a clue.

"What!?" She shouts a little before wrapping her arm in mine and walking us to a quiet corner. "It all makes sense now..."

"She's the one who helped Yvonne escape!" I tell her.

"S-She escaped?" Lottie stutters.

I nod. But her face gets serious.

"Trina, listen, she is obsessed with hurting you. Please, please be careful and watch your back. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm on her list as well." She warns me.

As she was talking I realize that she is a good spirit. She's only human.

"I didn't mean to kill the mood." I chuckle. "Anyways security is everywhere in here so we are safe. Yura is here, let me introduce you to her and get you off your feet." I lead us to Yura at our table.

Looking for Ross I see him and Jonathan off to the side, seeming in a serious conversation as well.

I hope all is well.
A/N: I put in a lot of not so common sense clues. Omg you guys are in for a ride these last few chapters. 😬😬😬😬😬😬

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