22 - the knife

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It's night time now and Theo has finally come back to the after being gone all day attending to things he's been pushing off. As he changed I knew this was the perfect time to get him to bring me to see her.

"Hey Theo" I say.

"Mhmm" he responded coming out of the closet.

"I Wanna go see lacy" I tell him.

He looks at me confused and acts as if she isn't currently in the basement.

"I know she's in the basement" I say when he hasn't responded.

"Who told you?" He asks annoyed.

"Doesn't matter, I wanna go see her now.. before the choosing" I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and tries to convince me to not go. But I stay strong and protest that I need to see her. When he finally gives in he comes to my side of the bed and helps me down to the basement.

When we reach a wooden door he pushed it open to reveal Lacy covered in blood and looking a mess laying on the floor her foot shackled to the wall.

"I Wanna speak to her alone" I tell him.

He looks at me worriedly at first ready to protest, but when I give him a stern look he sighs and takes a step out of the room closing the door.

"Look who's alive" she hissed looking up at me.

"I don't die that easily" I tell her.

"You will" she smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You know that knife i stabbed you with? Well I knew that there was a chance you might possibly survive from that, so I met with a little friend and he gave me a great little poison to dip it in" she smirked.

"Your a crazy bitch" I say shocked

"And your gonna die!" She laughed.

I opened the door and hobbled out. When I got back into the hall way Theo rushed to my side and held me up. He picked me up and brought me back to my room.

I didn't wanna burden Theo with more stuff concerning me. He already seemed stressed out enough so when Theo brought me to my room I asked him to get Ava for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

"I'm fine!" I smile.

He nods then leaves the room. A few moments later Ava walks in with a big smile.

"How's it going?" She asks.

At that one question I start crying, I had to stay strong in front of Theo because I didn't want him knowing about the poison, but since I'm going to be telling Ava anyways I didn't think crying in front of her was off limits.

When she noticed how distressed I was she rushed over and pulled me into her arms.

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"It was poisoned" I sobbed.

"The knife? With what?" She asked shocked.

"I don't know, she didn't tell me" I say sniffling.

"We need to figure it out fast and stop it from killing you" she exclaimed.

"I'm not sure how long I have" I tell her. "And the choosing is tomorrow"

"Then we skip the choosing and save you"

"No, I can't ask that of you and I don't wanna miss it" I tell her.

"You think Theo is gonna go through with this fucking choosing if it means you'll die" she shouts.

"Be quite! I don't want him knowing" I say to her.

"I'm telling him" she says getting up. "This isn't fair of you"

She gets up and storms off leaving me alone I try getting up and going after her but fall to the ground. I need to stop her before she gets to Theo. I quickly place my hands over my legs and try with all my might to heal them to any capacity.

When I think I'm good enough I get up slowly and hobble my way out of the room and to the stairs.

I see Ava talking with a very mad looking Theo, as I started going down the stairs my legs gave out and I stumbled. Before I could actually start rolling down from the top of the stair case Theo zapped to me and caught me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Be asked furiously.

"I didn't want to burden you and it's probably to late" I sigh.

"I need you Mils, it's never to late" he sighs.

He helps me to my feet and Carrie's me down to the living room. He set me down on the couch then zoomed away.

"Why did you do that!" I shouted at Ava.

"Because I'm not gonna sit back and let you die when I could've stopped it!" She defended herself.

"What's going on?" Leo asked as he entered the living room, Lily and Joseph behind him.

"Are you gonna tell them or am I? Ava looked at me and asked.

"If you all must know, the knife that lacy stabbed me with was poisoned.. with what we don't know" I say.

Lily burst out into tears and ran over to me pulling me into a hug. If only elf healing powers could get rid of poison also, I would be completely fine and no one would be worrying.

"Does Theo know?" Leo asked pain in his voice.

"Oh he definitely knows" I say.

After a few moments Theo comes back his vampire form out and his rage still radiates off him like fire. He zaps to me and pulls me into a hug.

"I know what it is" he says. "We can save you"

"What is it?" I ask.

"We only have a couple of hours so no time to explain, Ava I'll need your help" Theo instructs.

Ava nods and they leave the room, I look around at everyone else and sigh. I feel terrible for putting all this stress onto them. Their supposed to be enjoying their night, it's their last night before the choosing. It shouldn't be like this.

"I'm gonna stay with millie, you guys go and see if they need help" Lily says from beside me.

Once the boys leave the room I start crying. I couldn't help it, I feel so useless and like a huge burden.

"It's going to be okay" Lily reassured me rubbing my arm.

"I ruined everything Lily" I tell her.

"No you didn't!" She exclaims. "If you ruined everything we wouldn't all be here trying to help you"

"That's the thing you guys shouldn't be here trying to help me, I shouldn't need to be helped" I say in frustration.

"Millie we all love you, we'd all do anything for you" she smiles.

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