Chapter 5

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"What!" Ava screeched from the other end of the phone, nearly deafening me in the process.

With a depleted sigh, I wedged my phone in between my left ear and shoulder so I could better concentrate on zipping up my suitcase.

"So let me get this straight," Ava laughed, her voice shill to the sound. "After practice on Friday, you not only snuck into Sebastian Diaz's shower but then proceeded to play wrestle with him on your bed! Man, I was thinking you were a little sexually shy, but clearly, I was wrong..."

Aggressively rolling my eyes, I zipped up the last bit of my suitcase and swung it off my bed. "Ava, you're well aware that's not what I said," I snapped as I re-firmed my grip on my phone.

"That's what it sounded like to me," she sang out. Knowing she was clearly trying to wind me up, I ignored her and scanned around my room to see if I could find anything else I had missed.

Ava cleared her throat. "So anyway, when are you leaving for your little country club trip?"

"Any minute now," I sighed. "My brother's just picking up his girlfriend first. He'll be back soon," I said as I lazily flopped down onto my chair.

"Oh, his girlfriend's coming too. That's interesting," Ava said, her voice cut with a sharp level of bitterness. "It must be nice to be invited. Some people get permanently banned from Brook family country club trips because they're too inappropriate."

Throwing my head back, I let out a tired groan. "Ava, that's because you were inappropriate!"

"How!" She snapped. "Tell me one thing, I did that was inappropriate?"

I let out a brief breath of laughter. "Oh, I don't know let me see. Maybe it had something to do with how you kept prancing around in front of my brother in your bikini just so you could accidentally fall into his lap. And let's not even get into the time where you accidentally climbed into his bed..."

There was a long pause on the other end of the call. "W-well, I did that a long, long time ago, I've changed now," Ava mumbled.

"Ava, babe, that trip was last year."

More silence ensued.

"Okay, fine, maybe it wasn't that long ago but it was still in the past. I don't get why he can't-"

"Phoebs, come on, we're ready," I heard my brother's voice call up the stairs.

"Yeah, coming," I called back as I took to my feet.

"Sorry, Ava, I've got to go, I can call you when we get there, okay?"

"No, no, we still need to talk about this. Talk to him for me Phoebe, you've got to for-"

I quickly hung up the phone before she could finish. A little mean, yes, but it was really for her own good. It was a wonder why she wanted to date someone who was seven years older than her at this age, but I guess that was just Ava for you.

Doing a quick once-over of myself in the reflection of my mirror, I grabbed my case and rolled it to go. Our yearly trip to our favourite country club was a regular for us, and every November my family would pack up and leave our house in San Francisco, over one of the bank holiday weekends. This one was going to be a little unusual though, since mum, dad, and Ava wouldn't be there.

Hearing voices out on the porch, I made my way through our downstairs lobby and out through my front door. Finding Max and Lara chatting and laughing on the little swing-set on the porch, I let a smile relax onto my face.

Clearing my throat to gain their attention, I took a step forward. "Hey, I'm here. Are we all ready to-"

The words abruptly died in my throat as I turned my head, and found something utterly disgusting staring up at me on our driveway. Leaned against my brother's jeep with the most punchable looking smile in the world, was none other than Sebastian asshole Diaz.

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