Chapter 23

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I released a deep breath before walking out of the small space and into the bedroom where the two men were patiently waiting for me on the bed.

"Are you okay, Mel? You were in there for a while." Nolan softly asked with a concerned smile.

"Yeah," I smiled," Just didn't know where to put these." I indicated to my clothes.

"Oh," He replied in understanding. "You can put them on the laundry basket over there." He pointed to the basket at the corner of the room.

The lights were off except for the night lambs on either side of the bed on the nightstands, but they were bright enough for me to safely make my way to the basket and placed my clothes neatly on the lid. I then made my way to the tall thing called a bed.

"Are you sure you're fine, Angel? You look a bit tense." Zane asked as he rested on his side and faced me over Nolan's body. Just like me, they each had on a white T-shirt, but I couldn't see their bottoms.

"I'm fine." I lied through my teeth as I looked at the intimidating thing in front of me. Is there any way to climb gracefully and swiftly on the bed without embarrassing myself infront of these two perfections.

"I know what you're thinking about," Zane shook his head with a look of pure amusement on his features before he rolled himself around and got off the bed. He sighed as he made his way over to me and placed his hands on my hips so he could lift me up as though as if I was a stick. "You women are interesting creatures," He playfully stuck his tongue out at me as he effortlessly carried me over to the bed and placed me on it before getting back on after me. "Better?" He asked as he gently took my cellphone from me and placed it on the nightand next to him.

I shyly nodded in embarrassment at being caught," Thanks." I mumbled as I got underneath the covers. The instant heat that hit my body had a thin line of sweat building up from under my skin as heat built up in my body.

"You know, I don't normally sleep this....overdressed." Zane sighed as he folded his arms behind his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why are you then?" I curiously asked as I tried to not be restless under the burning sensation of the covers, the warm clothing, and the warmth of being around these two intimidatingly handsome perfections. My body was struggling to keep itself cool while being so close to them on this hot summer night.

The heat that their bodies were radiating was the least of my problems, in fact, my body craved to get even nearer to it like a moth attracted to light. I know, how ironic considering how I should be wanting to run away from anymore heat.

"We don't want to make you uncomfortable." Nolan responded for him as he smiled at me.

"Oh," I softly responded. I cleared my throat and admitted," I normally don't sleep with so many layers of clothing during summer nights either." I admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me, Sweetheart? I could have looked for something else." Nolan furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up.

"No," I immediately shook my head," I don't want to seem ungrateful besides, I don't want to flash anyone during the night." I squeaked.

I think I'm gonna keep the part about me being a night ninja to myself for now.

"Would you feel uncomfortable if we peeled a few layers off? I don't mind keeping these shorts on, but..." Zane trailed off, most probably indicating to the T-shirt.

"That's fine." I squeaked like a mouse for the second time in a row as I also sat up.

"You can wear one of these T-shirts, if you'd like. They should be long enough to cover you or at least make you feel comfortable until you fall asleep." Nolan offered as him and Zane simultaneously got off the bed.

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