Ch .7: To The Bottom Of The Sea

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"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything

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"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."

Driftmark mourned it's lost princess. The waves crashed against the stone so hard it shook the very foundation it's guest stood upon. Vaemond Velaryon stands at peak with the body, saying a few words over his niece. The air is thick and awkward. Rhaenerya huddles closer to her mother. She had never been to a funeral before. She didn't think she liked it very much. Luke and Jace were still recovering from the news of Ser Harwin passing.

It was so brutal and they did not have very much time to process it. She would never tell her, but Ally could hear her mother sobbing from her own bedroom late at night. Alaesys was proud of her brothers for being so brave.

Her gaze drifted to her uncle who was dressed in black. His face was oddly stoic but she caught him giving her and her mother quick glances every now and then. Something was off just enough to raise the sirens in Ally's mind. She held her mothers hand as Vaemond continued to give his speech.

"Salt runs through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick, ours runs true, and ours must never thin." At the word true, the man looks at Rhaenyra with judgement and hate. Daemon bites back a chuckle and all eyes are drawn on him instead. Alaesys thought her uncle couldn't get anymore grim and disrespectful but he proved her wrong every time.

Alaesys put her arm around Jace and pulled him close. The solemness of the coffin being dropped into the lake was large. Aleasys closed her eyes for a second just to hear the splash of the sea. When she opened them back, she could see Aemond standing with his mother. He almost look disinterested in the whole thing until he saw Ally. She gave him a wave just to let him know she knew of his presence.

He gave her a small smile that Queen Alicent didn't fail to notice. She grabbed her son by the shoulder and gave him a stern motherly look. Alaesys giggles at the sight only to be elbowed by her own mother. "Princess." Rhanerya whispered with poison. Ally whispered a sheep apology.

The feast that followed the funeral was grand. But Ally couldn't stomach a single piece of food. She watched her father just wafting in the sea. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back to see her grandfather standing behind her. She smiled and he laid a hand on her head, ruffling her white locks.

"My, my, I swear you've grown a whole foot since I've seen you." Alaesys laughed and hugged her grand sire. She could feel almost every bone throughout his body but was content in just holding him. Viserys kissed the top of her head.

"I'm going to be as tall as you one day!" Viserys gasped and tapped his cane on the ground.

"Is that so? I suggest eating all of your meals then! That's the only way you are going to grow up to be big and strong! We need a healthy Queen." Alaesys's smile wavered but she slapped it back on to not worry her grandfather. Daemon walked up behind Ally and out his hands on her shoulders. Ally bent her head back to see Daemon smiling down at her. Viserys grunted and narrowed his eyes at his little brother.

"Hello Ally, I assume you found the funeral enjoyable?" Alaesys tried to speak but couldn't find the words.


"What brother? I'm just asking my niece how she's enjoying her time here in Driftmark." Daemon ran the back of his hand over Alaesys hair. "Dove, you can answer for yourself."

"Don't call me that. Only my family is allowed to call me that." Alaesys pulled out from under Daemond's hold and tucked herself against Viserys. Daemon cleared his throat, a trait her mother also had.

"I am your family too, little princess." Daemon folded his hands behind his back.

"I'm not your little princess." Alaesys clenched her jaw. Visery patted her head and laughed.

"She reminds you of Rhaenerya doesn't she?" Daemon smiles to himself and looked down.

"That she does. Fiery. An attitude like that will serve a queen well." Alaesys clenched her first in the sides of her dress and felt her body shake.

"Excuse me." Ally pulled her hood up and ran from her uncle and grandfather. She heard her brothers and grandfather call for her but by the time she made it down the stairs the sea overshadowed their voices.

Ally found a flat rock far enough from the shore that she wouldn't get wet. She untied her boots and stuck her feet in the sand. Unlike home, the sand here was warm. She brought her knees to her chest and buried her face into them. She heard someone come up behind her and turned her head to snap at them.

"Jace I don't need- oh, Aemond." The young boy didn't say anything but sit beside Ally. He placed his hand over hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze while they both looked out into the water.

"You should be lucky your parents want you to be Queen. It's better than being ignored." Alaesys looked over at Aemond who squinted from the sea salt hitting his eyes.

"The pressure is too much sometimes. I love my brothers dearly, one of them should be King. I wasn't cut out to be a Queen." Aemond and Ally looked into each others eyes. Aemond always admired her lavender eyes, it was something he wished he had inherited from his father. "I would rather be a scholar I think. I don't mind the idea of being a mother. I don't fancy war and politics like my mother does."

"You were born to rule, Princess." Aemond squeezed her hand and teased her about the blush she wore.

"You surprise me uncle. I would think you'd want the throne for yourself." Aemond rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I did at one time, maybe I still do." He didn't say much else. Alaesys took that as a sign that conversation was over. Aemond grabbed her hand and looked around them both as if he was searching for someone. "Do you want to see something cool?"

Alaesys turned her head like a confused dog. Aemond pulled her from the rock and she was barely able to grab her boots. Both children ran barefoot across the sand. Alaesys squealed in delight. The warmth was very welcoming. Aemond stopped in his tracks and grabbed her by her waist, twirling the girl around in the air once or twice. "Aemond!" She gripped his forearms tightly until he returned her to the ground once again.

"I've found a dragon." Aemond whispered to her, pressing his forehead against hers. Alaesys held him back from the shoulders.

"Wait, how?" Aemond took her hand again and gave her a chance to put her shoes back on.

"Follow me okay? I'll protect you."

Alaesys continued to question Aemond the entire walk. They ducked behind a rock and Aemond held a finger to his lips and then pointed behind the rock. Alaesys peaked her head up and gasped.

There, laying in the shadows was Vhagar.

She was covered in a million battle scars and was so massive that Ally had to turn her head just to see the complete size of the dragon. The beast seemed to be crying, taking deep breaths the shook the rocks.

Ally gripped Aemond's hand and he gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I've got you Princess. Just stay close to me."

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