Ch. 24: Promises I Keep

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"And all the people say, You can't wake up this is not a dream

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"And all the people say, You can't wake up this is not a dream."

Alicent tapped her foot impatiently on the ground. The Union was supposed to start 10 minutes ago and neither the husband nor bride were to be found. Viserys rose from his seat, using his cane to balance his entire body weight.

"Quiet! The Prince and Princess will arrive...momentarily." Viserys collapsed back into his throne and held his hands. Alicent began to fume with anger. She had invited every high lord and lady to this event and now they were gossiping like children in her halls.

The door to the throne room bursted open and Rhaenyra walked down the lane arm and arm with Daemon. The two seemed a little agitated but kept a stone face as they took their position in front of the crowd. The musical accompany began and all grew quiet. Viserys stood again and smiled to Aemond who began his path down the hall.

Alicent quietly clapped her hands together, eyes welling with tears. Aemond stood before the King and Queen and bowed low. "Thank you for your presence, your majesties." Alicent gave a sigh of relief. The entire hall turned to the door where Alaesys's appeared. Since her dress was nothing but ashes now, Rhaenerya had quickly altered her old wedding dress to fit Alaesys. She had brought is as backup for a slimmer of a chance that Alicent tried to dress her in green.

Daemon felt himself choke up by how gorgeous his oldest daughter was. The crowd gasped and began to bicker about. Alicent seemed entirely shocked by the change of dress but could not say anything in the moment. Daemon's eyes were glued to Alaesys who held her head high, but did not smile.

She walked slow and sturdy through the crowd. She was silent and did not even smile at her parents as she walked past, did not even make eye contact. Aegon chuckled under his breath and Alicent elbowed him in the ribs for his behavior. Jace and Luke knew their sister better than anyone, and knew she was not happy at all with this arrangement. Like noticed the black ashes that remained on her hands and quietly pointed it out to Jace.

The septon smiled at the couple and cleared his throat as he began. "It is an honor to have such a beautiful pair here, in the Great Hall, to conjoin their houses and bond in the ways of Old Valyria."

Alaesys was able to drown out most of the officiants words. She was looked at Daemon but seemed to be staring right through him. The septa asked the husband to give a few words and Alaesys broke out of her staring spell.

"My Dove, ever since we were children I've been infatuated with you. We once shared blood almost a decade ago and now we shall do it properly." Viserys chuckled and shook his head from his throne. Alaesys forced a smile for her family but there was no kindness behind it.

"Thank you my Prince."

"Princess, would you like to say a few words?" The septon questioned. Aemond felt his chest tighten at what she would spew in front of all of these lords. Rhaenerya almost couldn't look and turned her head into Daemon's arm.

"My Prince, I will serve you, as is my duty. I will bare you many silver haired children and stay true to you until my last breath." Most ladies in the crowd cooed at how genuine and lovely she sounded. To bare a Prince's children was only a dream to most. Alaesys touched his face, her thumb swiping against the eyepatch. "I will love you no matter what harm comes to you."

There it was.

That painful jab he was expecting.

Alicent shook her head, holding her temple at the headache that was no doubt forming. Helanena clapped her hands happily, oblivious to to the call out to her younger brother. Aemond forced a smile and turned to the septa. The septon flipped through his book and continued the ceremony.

The septon passed the dragon glass to Aemond and Alaesys feared for her safety again. After such a show she had just put on she halfway expected him to slice her from ear to ear. Instead he carefully cupped her chin. The coldness of his rings made Alaesys shiver and her violet eyes were wild with fear.

"Shhh Dove, I told you I would never spill a drop of your blood, but I apologized that I have to break that promise." The blade easily sliced through her bottom lip and she shivered. Her blood dribbled down over his finger and he drug it down her split lip. He passes the blade to Alaesys next.

She could do it. She could shove the blade through his heart and fly back home. She would not get very far but it was right there, she could end it.

When she cut through Aemonds's lip, his eyes did not show pain. Instead they were playful and sultry unlike she had ever seen. He even made a sound akin to a growl when the blade opened his flesh. She pushed all of those unholy thoughts to the back of her head and swiped the blood down his chin. Aemond held out his palm, his left palm, and together they cut into his hand. Aemond took the pool of blood and drew the sigil on her forehead, Alaesys followed suit and they took the conjoined goblet from the septa.

"One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." Viserys descended from his throne and Alaesys and Daemon gave a short bow to him. He smiled so large that Alaesys thought his mouth might split. Rhaenerya often wished he could've not been so stubborn all of those years ago. He could've been apart of her own wedding to his brother. It was tradition for the ceremony to usually be held by another Targaryen but when she chose to marry Daemon, she chose to have a private ceremony.

"It is a glorious day! Our houses will be United under the Targaryen name once again. Drink! Drink!" Alaesys gave a loving smile to her grandsire and turned to her newlywed husband. Aemond let his fingers overlap Alaesys and she could feel the heat radiating from his flesh.

"To you, husband. May our union never waver and our cups never empty."

"To you, wife. May we learn to unite and become Allie's."

The couple drank from the cup and Alaesys nose wrinkled from the taste. Daemon laughed behind his hand. He often wondered if she was even his daughter for that very reason, the dislike of wine. Aemond chugged the rest of the glass and the pair held it high in the sky. The crowd roared and Viserys felt his old heart finally beat in happiness. Aemond cupped the back of Alaesys head and her heart stopped.

This was it.

She had never kissed anyone before. She had embarrassingly practiced in the mirror as a child but never another person. Aemond rubbed the back of her neck with his thumb.

"īlon emagon conjoined isse ānogar, sir rual issa naejot seal ziry."

We have conjoined in blood, now allow me to seal it.

Aemond's lips were upon hers before she could process his words. She let out a surprised squeak but Aemond simply chuckled into her mouth. Claps and cheers surrounded them but Alaesys could not focus on anything but the sweet taste of Aemond's tongue.

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