Ch. 17: How Far I'll Go

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"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold

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"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."

Alaesys could not keep her eyes off of Aemond as they walked through the garden. Aemond stared ahead and Ally hooked her arm in his as the sun began to set with each passing minute.

"What have you been up to these last few years? Anything interesting?" Alaesys attempted to make small talk with her uncle. She had not talked to him since that faithful night they were both wounded. Alaesys caught the glimmer of his rings as he scratched his cheek.

"Mostly studying and sword training, awfully boring I'm afraid." Aemond smiled and pulled the young girl to the side. He led her to the freshly bloomed buds in a patch. Alaesys immediately recognized the tiny flowers.

"Gillyflowers!" Alaesys kneeled down and inspected the newly planted buds. "They are so young."

"I had them shipped in to be planted for your arrival." Aemond kneeled down next to her and picked a flower that had already bloomed. He pulled a knife from his hip and cut the stem. He examined the flower and cut off any and thorns it might have. "I remember that you would cry when Aegon and I would crush them when we were playing tag."

Alaesys took the plant and gave it a small sniff. It was a refreshing change from the sewage smell. Aemond took the flower from her and tucked it behind her ear, careful not to ruffle her hair too much. "You look like a Queen already." Aemond helped the woman stand back up and he held her hand for a second longer, once again.

"Did you send out this proposal, or did your mother?" Aemond chuckled, for he knew this question was coming.

"I assume your mother hasn't told you." Alaesys crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at the man. He shifted feet and placed his hands infront of him. "Years ago, before you left King's Landing, your mother offered Jacerys for Halaena, and you for me." Alaesys mouth went dry. Her mother had seemed shocked by the proposal. To hear this news made Ally weak kneed.

"What? Why would she send me and not Jace as well?" Aemond smirked but tried not to be so arrogant in front of Alaesys. He turned towards the sea and watched the sunset.

"It makes sense really. You would be harder to find a suitor for that wouldn't use you for your power. You are a fine piece that your mother can use to her advantage. You are to be Queen one day. If not, she always has a spare heir or two." Alaesys could feel her chest tighten. She did not want to appear weak but everything Aemond spoke seemed to be the truth.

"What of you? Are you going through with this agreement because of loyalty? Or some personal gain?" Alaesys voice was sharp. Aemond put his hand on her shoulder and she tense under his touch.

"Since we were children, I have yearned for you. I was too young to understand at the time." Aemond moved to his knees and looked up at Alaesys. His face was near heavenly into the yellow lights of the setting sun. He took both of her hands in his and turned her left hand palm up to kiss the scar. She wanted to pull her hands away, she knew this sort of affection before marriage could spark rumors that were not befitting for a Queen.

"Aemond we cannot-"

"Do you truly think I give a fuck what these common folk say? I will announce my affection to you as I so please." His voice was cold as he bowed his head, placing his forehead on her folded hands. "My Queen, I promise to protect and serve you. I come with faults as we all do, but the only thing I am certain of, is how much I ache for you."

Alaesys knew her entire face was a blood red. She could feel her pulse thumping in her throat like a wild stallion. Aemond stood but continued to hold her hands tightly. "Aemond, I do not know what to say."

"You do not have to speak now. Just know my intentions with you, Sweet Dove, are pure." Alaesys looked up at him and felt the sea breeze kiss her cheek. It took her a few seconds to realize it was Aemond's lips instead. He quickly pulled back and entangled her fingers with his. How long fingers almost completely engulfed hers but she realized she could not close her hand.

"I'm sorry, my fingers stiffen sometimes" Alaesys took her hand from Aemond's and pushed down on each joint of her fingers. She could not gain feeling back in her hand and grew worried. "The God's have damned me..."

"The damage was permanent then." Aemond took his thumbs and massaged them into the palm of her hand. Alaesys moaned in pain and clenched her eyes closed. Aemond applied pressure down her hand and into her wrist. "Do not apologize for something that is not your fault. It never was your fault."

"It was never yours either, Aemond." Aemond looked from her palm to those lilac eyes he had missed so much. "The fight, you were defending yourself."

"It does not matter now." Aemond turned Ally's hand over in his and kissed the back of it, watching how the light changed against her face. Alaesys bit her lip and turned to face the moon that was rising in the sky. Aemond ran his thumb over the back of her knuckles.

"It does matter. We were children, silly little children." Aemond shook his head, he did not want to hear anymore but Ally continued to push. "Lucerys did not mean to maim you as you did not mean to-"

"I have learned to live with the blood on my hands." Alaesys went silent and watched Aemond fight an internal battle. He seemed so distant but she could feel the warmth of his body from his hand. She took one of his hands in hers. He felt warm, he felt solid and safe. Aemond took a step back and continued to hold her hand. He placed a hand on her waist and situated her feet with one of his. "Dance with me?"

Alaesys did not respond, but followed in his motions. She knew it was his way of avoiding the conversation but at this moment, she did not care to return to it. The two of them moved as one and Alaesys stepped on his feet once or twice.

"Did your mother not teach you how to dance like a proper lady?"

"I do not consider myself a proper lady." Alaesys smiled and gasped as he twirled her into his arms. Their chests were connected and they felt one another's breaths. They felt every heartbeat.

But from the shadows, they could not see the young stable boy with hatred in his eyes and a handful of a dagger.

But from the shadows, they could not see the young stable boy with hatred in his eyes and a handful of a dagger

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