Ch. 20: Do You Remember?

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"To err is human; to forgive, divine

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"To err is human; to forgive, divine."

The sunlight was bright and harsh on the castle walls. The rumors were already stirring, running around like little mouse around the castle. What had happened last night spread like wildfire. Alicent had chewed off every single one of her nails from the stress and they believed King Visery's heart might have stopped from the news.

Alaesys felt every nerve in her body begging for mercy as she awoke that morning.she gave a pitiful groan as soon as her eyes opened. "Good morning, Dove. Easy does it." It was Aemond who was helping her sit up. She could feel every stitch in her stomach strain and pull.

"How did I not fucking die? It sure feels like I did." Her voice was hoarse and dry. Aemond fluffed the pillows and pulled the blankets up so Alaesys was as comfortable as she could be. Daemon was sitting on her opposite side and put his hand over hers to let her know he wasn't going anywhere. "Father."

Daemon felt like a hundred thundering horses were running through his chest. Even the tips of his ears seemed to warm. The usual stoic and asshole of a man went soft. This was the first time Alaesys had referred to him as her father. It was mostly backhanded comments and crude words a majority of the time.

He had read once, in a book, that he had found in the brothel with sticky pages, that love was chaotic. You lose control, you lose perspective, you lose the ability to protect yourself. He believed those words wholeheartedly.

"You were very close to. I'm surprised you are even conscious." Daemon stated. The Maesters said she could be asleep for days. She was always very hardheaded so he was not surprised she had awoken.

Alaesys pulled down her sheets and both men immediately spooked away out of respect. She lifted the edge of her dress over her belly and the sight made her gag. Her wound was shut but it was incredibly irritated. Around the edges of the cut, crusted ooze had formed. Alaesys threw down her dress again and pulled up the blankets as best she could.

"If I get cut again, I'm joining the war. There seems to be far less injuries in that." Aemond chuckled at the comment. Daemon stood from his seat and eyes the younger man up and down.

"Someone needs to go tell the Maester that you are awake." Daemon hinted not so casually. Aemond looked at Daemon and that same tension returned to the room. Alaesys cleared her throat, looking at her father and then the door. "Oh I must go, I see." Daemon sighed as he stood and patted Alaesys on the head. "Take it easy, I'm taking you home as soon as you are healed." Daemon did not give either of the two a chance to argue.

After Daemon had left, Aemond moved to the edge of the bed and sat down. "Henri was not a squire." Alaesys head cocked in confusion. Who was this young boy then?

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