Chapter 58: Me and the Devil

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"Me and the Devil, walking side by side

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"Me and the Devil, walking side by side."

*NSFW Warning*

Rhaenyra's memories washed over her. Daemon did not look a day older than he had the last tourney he participated in. His smile was still as vicious, taunting, seductive. He looked upon young Aegon at the end of the field like a fresh piece of meat. Alaesys thought he looked more like Caraxes in that moment than ever before.

His jousting lance was pulled up to his side between stiff fingers. Alaesys tossed a worrisome glance to Aegon who looked close to vomiting. She could physically feel how tense Halaena felt just by her body language. She was picking at her fingers that were already raw with anxiety. Alaesys reached over and placed her hand over her dear sisters fingers. "Everything will be alright."

Alaesys did not know if she said such a thing for herself, or for Halaena.

The announcer proclaimed the charge and both men went barreling towards one another. Alaesys swore she saw Aegon close his eyes right before impact. They narrowly missed one another and Daemon looped back around, his hour trotting in place. That's when Alaesys saw it. He wore such a devious smile it was a bit unsettling.

She had heard many stories about her fathers younger years. He was a ruthless Commander, never taking any shit unless it was dished out by his brother. Handsome, daring and strong. He still had a very strong personality but seeing him in his prime must have been an experience.

Daemon was teasing his prey. And his prey just so happened to be Aegon.

Aegon's chest rose and fell with hurried breaths. It was obvious that fear was building in his entire body. The weeks of training could not prepare a man to be so close to death. Daemon sized up his prey. Aegon lacked the composure and grip on his lance, it was only evident what would happen next.

Daemon was the first to charge and Aegon could barely keep up. Halaena instinctively reached for Alaesys's hand right before contact. She closed her eyes so hard tears leaked from her eyelids. Alaesys could not look away. Again, a near miss. Daemon did not even look to Aegon when the younger lad missed again. It seemed he was growing bored of this game.

In his days, Aegon would have been thrown to the dirt like a common whore. It mattered not his title. He even remembered the King himself, landing face first in the dirt on his first tourney. Their father was drunk and stumbling and cheered the loudest when his son was dismounted.

If Aegon was to play with the big dragon's, he had to face the flame.

Aegon raised his lance, his face contorted with anger. Daemon knew this was his opportunity to show the bitch Queen, just how wrong she was to mess with his family. Alicent gasped and lept from her chair when Daemon's lance jabbed into Aegon's chest. The lance splintered from the contact and Aegon could no longer remain on horseback.

"Aegon!" Alicent shouted. Otto was quick to be by her side, urging her to sit down and not make such a scene. Alaesys felt sympathy for the queen in that moment. To see your child in danger for sport must be excruciating. Aegon threw his broken lance to the ground beside of him, grunting and mumbling under his breath.

Daemon was quick to rub his loss in his face. He trotted along the fences, arms splayed open with a large grin. Alaesys noticed his eyes lingering on Alicent for a moment too long. Viserys chuckled weakly and clapped his hands. It must have been so long since he'd had such enjoyment in his life. Halaena picked up her skirts and looked over the railing to her husband.

Aegon still sat in the dirt like a pouting child. He rubbed his sore chest and lifted his eyes to the stands. He met eyes with his Princess and swallowed the pride in his throat. He picked up her favor from the hilt of his sword and limped to the overlook. When he was close enough, he gently tossed up the offering into her clammy hands.

"I am sorry, Princess. I could not win for you..." and with that, Aegon limped like a beaten dog out of the ring. Alicent did not hesitate to break free from her father and she too, left behind the tent to tend to her son. Daemon guided his horse to the overlook and bowed his head to Rhaenyra. The Princess met him at the fence and she leaned over and take her offering back. Daemon reached up, stroking her long hair. Her nose scrunched and she giggled about how his dirty hands would stain her hair.

"I will do much more than that later, my love." Alaesys didn't know if her gag or Luke's was louder.

Speaking of her little brother, he had returned to his seat for now. He had made room beside his sister and refused to leave her side now. Alaesys knew she could never be more thankful for her siblings. They were the ones that kept her grounded in such a crazy world.

Alaesys looked over her shoulder to see Otto whispering to the King. The weasel of a man was always in Visery's ear. No one quite knew what Otto spoke of but Rhaenyra had ears around the castle. She would not allow her father to get ever more sucked into whatever the Hightowers had up their sleeves. She had left years ago and had vowed to never return but now, Rhaenyra did not know if she could leave her father at the mercy of such fools.

The tourney continued with many handsome knights and burly old men on horses. Alaesys had to admit that such excitement had her blood going. She was a sheltered child growing up, as sheltered as anyone could be as a Targaryen Princess. To see such violence awakened something deep in her belly. It was an almost unnatural urge.

It was not long before Aemond faced a fresh-faced boy who bore the Baratheon crest. His name was Bronn and though he was young, the Baratheon bannermen lived up to their name. He was a large boy that had at least seventy pounds on Aemond. His face was full and cheeks were rosy. He easily carried his lance in one hand like it was nothing but air. He gained favors from a bright lass in the stands with long golden hair.

Alaesys knew the look of love in his eyes. She had wore that same expression many times before. Each man took their places and up went the horns. Alaesys chuckled when she remembered the saying spoken many times over and over.

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

And fall, Bronn did.

Aemond's lance had pierced the flesh peaking out from Bronn's makeshift armor. Due to his size it was almost like he was bursting the seams of the plates. Blood spurted over Aemond's face and he barely flinched. Bronn flopped onto the hard ground and bellowed in agony. Squires rushed to his side and he was removed from the field in a rush, blood trailing behind him.

There was a break going into the final round, giving everyone a chance to stretch their legs. Aemond made eye contact with his Lady Wife from across the field. They both shared a bloodthirsty gaze that neither had quite seen in each other before. Alaesys ignored Rhaenyra's question as she slipped out of the stands. She could've easily been lost in the crowds but she caught sight of Aemond slipping into the armor tent.

She scanned the area for any prying eyes before she too, fell into the tent. Aemond's prying hands made quick work of Alaesys dress. He lift her many skirts and pulled her corset down to expose her leaking breast. Their mouths devoured each other with breathy moans and harsh whispers. Alaesys could still taste the blood of Bronn on Aemond's lips.

"Did the sight of me merely injuring another man have you aching for me, Līve?" Whore. Aemond had never once called her a demeaning name. He held her to too high regard. But Alaesys whispered his name like a prayer when his fingers sunk into her folds after the question. His fingers knew every crevice and his mouth and ears knew each command she would give. Aemond bent his Lady Wife over the table that collected daggers and swords. Alaesys's face was pressed dangerously close to the glinting steel but it made her loins ache ever the more.

Aemond sunk his cock into her quivering core. The couple moaned at the familiar feeling and Aemond clutched at Alaesys hips like a lifeline, shoving his length into depths he was not sure he could reach before.

All the while, blood dribbled down from his cheek onto the curve of Alaesys ass.

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