Ch. 26: Forgiveness

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"Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave

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"Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave."

Alaesys had not even seen Daemon slip onto the floor, but she did see him narrow himself between Jacerys and Aemond. "Now gentleman, we are at a wedding, not a tourney. It is my daughters wedding day and I do not want a single blood droplet shed on her pretty dress." Aemond breathed deeply through his nose and forced a smirk.

Alaesys saw Jace folded his hands into fist for a split second. She knew her brother could be quick to anger but one look at his sister's desperate face and he unclenched his hands. Aemond did not say a single word. He only grabbed Alaesys hand and all but drug her across the hall and out a side door.

She did not even have a chance to lift up her dress and it dry on the ground. "Aemond, stop this at once." Her voice was barely above a harsh whisper but it was sharp. Aemond pushed open the doors of his quarters and slammed the double door behind them. Aemond placed his hands on the wood, leaning forward while taking deep angry breaths. Alaesys dusted off her gown and slowly raised her eyes to her husband.

His back heaved with heavy breaths and she could see his nails digging into the wood. He slowly straightened his spine and Alaesys could tell how bothered he was even without seeing his face. When Aemond turned to her, his face showed sorrow, anger and something that Alaesys couldn't quite distinguish.

"Do you still think I am the one who called for your death?" Aemond stomped towards Alaesys and she could only freeze in place. He sounded like he was a boy again and he had ran to Alaesys's to tell her Jace had taunted him. He pointed to himself as he spoke. "I have only been to that whore house a single time. Aegon had taken me with him."

Aemond held his head as he paved. Alaesys folded her hands in front of her, barely lifting her eyes to look at her. "I was assaulted in that brothel. I was held down as they laughed at me, trying to bring me to release but I could only cry." Alaesys felt her heart stop. Aemond spoke through his gritted teeth and could barely be heard with his shaky voice. "I swear to you I have never had a thought about any woman but you."

Alaesys pushed her hair off her shoulder and picked at her nails. Aemond strutted towards her with a fierce pace and Alaesys slammed her eyes shut. She expected him to strike her or grab her by the throat and tell her how stupid she was. But instead he fell to his knees before her. He wrapped his arms around her legs and leaned his forehead against her stomach.

"Please forgive me, my dear Dove. I will do anything for you to believe me." His fingers were entangled in the front of her dress. Alaesys was washed with guilt and she dropped down to his level, frantically pushing his hair from his face.

"Aemond look at me. Please look at me." She cupped Aemond's face and brought her thumbs under his eyes to wipe his tears. "What happened there was not your fault. Do not ever blame yourself for that."

"I did not hire that stable boy, I should have crushed his skull when I had the chance." His voice was now rugged and something more primal was at bay. He stood again and grabbed Alaesys face this time. He stared down at her for a moment and he softened when she put her hands over his own. "If any other man glances at you the wrong way I will gouge out his eyes and present them to you."

Aemond's fingers ghosted her throat where the heavy necklace hung. "I was slit their throat so they may bleed out slowly." He dipped his fingers lower to her sternum, not daring to go lower. "I will tear their beating hearts from their chest." Alaesys breath hitched in her throat as Aemond's eye devoured her.

"I am yours, my king." Aemond's eyes showed that glow as they did during the ceremony. If she looked close enough she could still see the dried blood on his lip. Aemond placed his hands on her waist and pressed his forehead to hers. Something grew inside of her, something more animalistic. It was a scary and unfamiliar feeling but it overrode the anger and jealousy she harbored before. "Must we wait? I need you. Now."

Aemond pressed himself closer, their bodies were pressed so tightly it was as though their pulses beat as one. His fingers dug into her skin and she gave the slightest as whimpers from his pure strength. He had trained with a sword for years and his hands were calloused and powerful.

Alaesys laid her hands against her chest and teased the exposed skin of his throat. "Do not tell me you are scared." She teased with a laugh. Aemond chuckled.


Aemond hooked his fingers in the back of her dress and gave the the smallest of tugs. Alaesys gasped when she heard stitches begin to give way from the force. Aemond stopped his advances and smirked down at his newlywed wife. Her eyes were so full of innocence and wonder. Aemond pushed her hair from her shoulder and leaned down, pressing his lips against the pulse in her throat. She immediately clung to his shirt at the affection.

She had never experienced this intimacy before. Having only been around her brothers and the occasional servant, any sort of bedding had been a foreign concept to her. Of course she had read of it in the romance novels she snuck from the library.

She had once had to take one away from Lucerys when his curiosity became too much. He pouted and went to their mother, complaining about how Alaesys never let him read any of her books with the funny drawings on the cover.

This was unlike anything you could ever read or imagine. Aemond kissed her neck again, right above her collar and let his teeth ghost the sensitive skin. Bumps broke out on Alaesys skin and she shivered from his tough. Aemond had the urge to sink his teeth in her flesh. He wished to return her to the feast covered in his marks. He wanted to watch Jacerys face as he realized Aemond had corrupted his sister only moments before.

But he pulled away and kissed Alaesys on her head, ignoring her desperate whine for attention. "I will not deflower you here. If I am to do one thing right in my life, it is to treat my Queen as such." Alaesys admitted she felt a bit empty when Aemond moved away but she knew what he had in store later would triumph everything.

"If you were not the one to send the attacker, then who was it?" Alaesys knew she should just drop the conversation and return to her wedding but the answer still rammed at the back of her brain.

"I have my suspicions but that is not for tonight. Tonight is about honoring our history, about honoring each other." Aemond lifted their hands and pushed their fingertips together. Aemond grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, smiling down at her.

Alaesys heard Jacerys words in the back of her mind. She had wished she could see into the future, or in the past. She wished she could easily worm out this snake in her circle and cast them to the fire. She was young and she wasn't above her own feelings. Seeing the desperation in both Aemond's and Jacerys words, she too felt like that wounded rabbit Sera had whispered to her about.

"I forgive you, my dove."

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