Chapter 38: Two Sides of a Coin

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"The ache for home lives in all of us

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"The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."

As if the Gods had a sick sense of humor, Alaesys was sick the entire ride to Dragonstone. She was bent over the side of boat a majority of the time while Aemond tried to soothe her. She had never been so grateful to see the spiraling black towers of Dragonstone. The weather was clear and she was grateful it wasn't pouring rain.

The boat sailed into dock and Aemond held Alaesys hand. Her family was eagerly awaiting her arrival. Even the young ones seemed to be wriggling with excitement. The couple dismounted the boat and Alaesys was almost ran over by Lucerys. She groaned in discomfort but caught his charging body.

Aemond grabbed the back of Lucerys jacket and pulled him off of the queasy Ally. Alaesys put a hand on his arm and he promptly dropped the young boy back to his feet.

"I-oh I'm sorry!" Lucerys back away and put his hands on Alaesys belly. Luke had been most excited about the news of his first niece or nephew. When Rhanerya had told her son's the news, Lucerys went off on a tangent, trying to find the perfect name for the new baby.

Jacerys approached his sister next. "The ride was rough on you, sister?" Jace held her arms as he teased her. Alaesys rolled her eyes and pulled her younger brother in for a hug. He felt like home. It made the uneasiness in her stomach settle.

She brushed her fingers through Jacaery's hair. He was nearly a full grown man. It was very evident in his face and jaw structure. Alaesys realized her little brothers were not so little anymore.

Daemon was the one to come to Alaesys side. He had grown his hair out a little, strands now framed his face as well.

"Hello, Dove." Daemon guided Alaesys's head towards him to kiss the top of it. Alaesys happily held her father. It was as if she had never left. She wanted to stay here forever and forget about every political and family event she had to attend. Daemon smoothed down her hair and cupped her cheek in one of his hands. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I already dread the trip back home." Alaesys smiled and looked around Daemon to her mother. Rhaenerya gazed upon her daughter with a new respect. Her eyes immediately turned to her stomach. She was a little further in her pregnancy and now the smallest bump could be seen through her gown.

Whenever Alaesys left the room, Aemond would try and have her wear a cloak to hide her growing bump. Aemond had grown even more overprotective of his wife. He felt the need to hide her away but also always wanted to flaunt what belonged to him.

"My girl." Rhaenyra wrapped her arms around Alaesys and gave a longing kiss on the side of her head. She reached down to touch the little bump pressing into her own stomach. "Hello in there." Alaesys put her hand over her mother's and they both shared a joyous giggle. Alaesys looked at the older woman like she was the entire light of her life. She saw Rhanerya as being the perfect mother figure. She wished to be just like her.

Off in the distance came a flurry of dresses and long white hair. Baela and Rhaena came running across the stone towards their half-sister. The two immediately started fawning over Alaesys's belly.

You have a special glow about you, sister." Baela complimented her sister on how her skin seemed to glow from her pregnancy.

"I think it might be from my sea-sickness." Alaesys joked and Baela rolled her eyes. Rhaena hooked arms with Ally and Baela joined her on the other side. Little Joffrey came running up to his sister and Alaesys remembered how much she adored children. His messy brown locks curled at the ends and were so soft to the touch. He clung to his sisters dress.

Aemond stood awkwardly in the background until Luke approached him. The younger boy could not tear his eyes away from the eyepatch Aemond wore. It wa obvious it still caused him pain. His fingers twitch every few seconds and his face seemed to seize up on his left side every now and then.

"I am...sorry Uncle." The apology was sudden and unexpected. Aemond opened his mouth to speak but words seemed to escape him. Jacerys placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, silently encouraging him to continue. "You do not have to forgive me, but you are my sisters husband now. I want to make things right."

Alaesys felt as if she could cry. Luke sounded so mature. He had apologized, for her. Aemond looked to his wife and then back to his nephew. The look in Luke's eyes were completely sincere. Aemond gave a short bow to Luke. "Thank you, young Prince."

Aemond was not to the point of accepting the apology, but Ally was grateful for the good will he was trying to put forward. Jacerys patted Aemond's shoulder. The older man seemed a bit tense at the contact. He did not have the brotherly love with his own brother but envied the relationship Jace and Luke had with one another.

The family gathered in the dining area where a feast was already laid out. Ally carried a bubbly Joffrey on her hip as she sampled the lemon cake. Rhanerya was not far behind, plucking the fresh fruit off the top. Daemon and Aemond both rolled their eyes at their wives. The two were far too similar for their own good. Rhaenyra picked up a lemon cake, holding a hand under it as she fed it to Alaesys. The two giggled when Ally's mother smeared the icing across her mouth.

Alaesys sat between her husband and Rhaena. The two women chatted about the blossoming flowers in the garden and Aemond felt the intense stare of Daemon. Alaesys father had not taken the news of his daughters pregnancy so lightly. Even though the rumors of Aemond's involvement in his daughters attack had simmered, he still held a disdain for the young man

Aemond lifted his glass to his uncle and smiled, a little cheeky but not enough to catch Ally's attention. Daemon stood from his seat and Rhaenerya immediately held her head in aggravation.

"To my daughters husband. After dinner, I would like to rest your ability to protect my daughter."

"Daemon please-" Ally tried to interject.

"Hush now child. If he is man enough to give you his children, he should be man enough to defend them." Daemon took a sip from his wine and smirked. The table was silent and the good vibes were all but disintegrated. Alaesys picked at the skin around her nails before the tension grew too much and she too, stood.

"Then fight me then." Her brothers chuckled amongst themselves and Daemon settled back in his seat. "I do not know what is so funny. I do not need anyone to protect me or my children. I will defend myself."  Baela tried to calm her sister but the older woman was too riled for her own good. A sharp flutter in her stomach had Alaesys bent over, holding a hand to her abdomen as the baby stirred.

Aemond slammed his hand on the table as he stood. A flash of excitement danced in Daemon's eyes as he too stood. Rhaenerya put her hand on the man's arm as she followed suit. Aemond's fingers dig into the table and Alaesys could see just how bothered he was. It had been a long time since she had seen her husband so angered.

"I accept. Let us feast and I will show you just how capable I am of protecting your daughter."

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