Ch. 14: For I Shall Return

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"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom

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"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."

The maids were murmuring about how grand the wedding would be. Alaesys could not stop biting her fingers after she returned to her room for the night. Her mother and Daemon could be heard arguing from the dining room still but Alaesys had happily stolen a bottle of wine from the dinner table.

She drank cup after cup until her head reeled and she was forced to sit down. Her door opened without a knock and she nearly dropped the bottle of wine. Daemon sighed when he saw the state of his daughter. He remembered, or, didn't remember how many nights he had drunken himself into a stupor over stress. He walked over to her desk and carefully removed the wine and glass from her hand.

"I'll be taking that." Alaesys did not try to struggle, just held her head in embarrassment . "Maybe you are not my daughter after all." Alaesys scowled before hiccuping. Daemon sat on a spare chair and leaned forward with his eke bows on his knees.

"Is this what you want to do, Princess. This is not a decision you can talk back." Alaesys leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. She hiccuped again and wiped her mouth.

"That is what is best for the Kingdom. Mother and the Queen can stop their arguing and her son may sit the Iron Throne one day. The only one who suffers is me." Alaesys reached for her cup from Daemon but he simply pulled away further.

"Are you so selfish that you do not see the pain you cause your mother?" Daemon stood up and took the alcohol with him. Alaesys stood from her seat and glared at the man.

"I am the one who is selfish? You plotted my fathers death just so you could fuck my mother again." Daemon sat the alcohol on the bedside table and rubbed his head.

"We did not kill your father."

"Do not lie to me." Alaesys stomped towards Daemon, the smell of alcohol on her breath. Tears were swelling his her eyes and her chest aches so heavy. "You took away one of the most important people in my life. You ripped him away from me and I will never forgive you two." Alaesys covered her mouth with her fingers and wrapped an arm around herself as she doubled over in a sob.

Daemon sighed but brought his oldest daughter into his arms. She did not easily submit but she was in no state to fight. She dug her nails into his armor and shook with sadness. Daemon stroked her back and put his chin on her head.

He hummed under his breath, and that hun slowly turned into a song. A song in High Valyrian. She did not recognize the song but perhaps her mother had sung it to her as a child. Alaesys wiped her eyes and turned to the door where Jacerys and Lucerys stood. She stood up from her fathers embrace and went to hold her brothers for a moment.

None of the children dare speak a word, for everything that needed to be said, had been said. Little Joffrey came running down the hall and latched onto Alaesys leg. She picked him up in her arms and attacked his face with a flurry of kisses. Daemon watched from afar and did not hide his smile for once.


Alaesys was being dressed in the finest of garments for her ship sailing to King's Landing. She had tried to convince her mother that she should ride Cesyja to the castle but her mother gave her a stern no.

It would take multiple hours for her to arrive but Rhaenerya insisted that she be prepared for the meeting with her grandsire and the Queen. Daemon would be the one to accompany her to King's landing, since Rhaenerya was still recovering from childbirth. Rhaenerya had not spoken to her daughter since she read the letter. Or Alaesys did not speak to her for that matter.

Ally knew that not talking to her daughter was probably eating the Princess alive. Alaesys visited her mother after the maidens had fastened her into the dress so tightly she was afraid to breathe. Rhanerya was in bed with the new babe when Ally arrived. Rhanerya gave her the brightest smile and held the babe in one hand and held out the other for her daughter.

Ally climbed into bed beside her mother and laid her head on her chest. She snuggled in right above Viserys and laughed. "She was mine first." Ally joked. Rhaenyra kissed the top of her head three times, holding out the last kiss for a second longer.

"My children belong to me, now and forever. No matter who they marry or how many children of their own they might have." Rhaenyra cupped her daughters face and locked eyes with her. "Tell me what troubles you child."

Alaesys chewed on her bottom lip and looked down to the blanket. "I'm so scared mother. I want to do this for our family. I want the fighting to end." Alaesys twiddled with her fingers and her mother gave her a sympathetic look.

"This burden should never be just your own. Give me the word and I will call off this visit immediately. You can stay here and I will find you husband that is worthy of you." Rhaenerya smiled and pressed her head to her daughters. "Or wife, whatever you prefer." Alaesys giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Women are pretty. Maybe if Aemond has grown out his hair I can have both." Both women shared a laugh. Rhaenerya handed off the child to a handmaiden and lifted the blankets enough for Alaesys to slip under.

"I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. But please believe me when I said no harm came to your father by our hand." Alaesys but at her finger nails and Rhaenerya gently took her hand away from her mouth. "I swear to you. I swear on all of my children." Alaesys knew she was serious, by her statement and the fire in her eyes.

"I miss him." Alaesys could feel that familiar feeling rising in her throat. Rhaenyra hushed her and tried to fix the wild pieces of hair.

"I know sweet Dove. You know he would kill Aemond if he knew that he was after his baby girl." Alaesys laughed through the onslaught of tears and allowed herself to be hugged by her mother.

She knew wherever Laenor May or may not be, he was probably cussing like a sailor.


The morning light had began to fade into midday. Alaesys watched the servants load the boat with her supplies. Rhaenyra and the children stood on the dock, watching alongside the young woman. Lucerys was trying his best not to cry, he wanted to be a brave Prince. But when Alaesys put her hand on his head he broke. Jacerys and Ally both tried to calm him down by saying she would be back before the wedding, if there was to be one.

"You are my favorite. If Jace hurts you; tell me and I will put dragon droppings in his pillow case." Like wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and laughed. Alaesys stood again and hugged Jace who didn't seem to want to let go.

"Be safe sister. If he hurts you I will give you his head on the finest of plates." Alaesys ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. She moved down the line to Baela and embraced her. The two often gossiped in the late nights and Baela had taught Ally how to braid her own hair. She forever saw her as a sister.

Last was Joffrey, Aegon, Visery's and her mother. Ally kissed each of the boys on the head and then her mothers cheek. Rhaenerya made sure every piece of clothing was in place, just as she had when they reunited with Daemon all those years ago. "Stand tall my Dove. Do not let them clip your wings." Rhaenerya kissed her cheek and sent her off.

As the ship began to pull from dock, Lucerys stumbled down the hill and into the water after it. He called for his sister, screamed her name as she began to disappear into the mist. Alaesys covered her mouth and had to look away and into the back of the ship.

Daemon sat in the edge of the boat and watched his daughter choke down a sob.

If anyone dared to clip her wings, he would be sure to chat theirs.

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