Chapter 44: Get It Back in Blood

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"Lies and betrayal are the two daggers that sink deepest

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"Lies and betrayal are the two daggers that sink deepest."

Aemond had never held Alaesys on such a short leash, or as strong as he was now. Alaesys held his hand but he might as well of carried her. He had tore a slip of his shirt off to wrap around her arm. Daemon also checked over his shoulder to make sure she was still there.

In front of them a ways, she could see the guards dragging Alester. She slowly saw him regain consciousness, looking up to the guards and then back to Alaesys herself. "Princess, Princess please forgive me!"

A guard jerked his arm, causing him to cry out in pain. "You have no right to speak to the Princess."

Alaesys felt Aemond squeeze her hand tighter. She rubbed her hand across his arm to calm him. "I should've killed him. Perhaps the seal was forged."

"Aemond." Alaesys spoke softly but firm. They both knew the truth. "I know you wish to believe differently but we have all of the evidence we need." Aemond stayed quiet, just staring at the ground. His hands were still stained with blood and bruises were forming over his knuckles.

Daemon heard the conversation and fought the urge to speak. The two young ones must figure this out on their own. It was far too much stress on Alaesys and her unborn child as well. Aemond reached over and rubbed his fingers across Alaesys's stomach. His blood was still pounding through his veins and he struggled to remain calm.

"Take him. I will be down to....investigate after I bring my daughter to her mother." The guards dragged the confused Alester to the dungeon. He was kicking his legs now, sobbing through a face so swollen it was almost grotesque. Alaesys could not even look at him.

"Princess please! Please you must listen to me!" Alester was dragged through the sand and into the dungeon. Alaesys stopped in her tracks. Aemond stopped alongside her and looked down upon her worried features.

"I need to talk to him."

"Absolutely not."


Aemond and Daemon spoke at nearly the same time. Alaesys narrowed her eyes and let go of Aemond's hand.

"The last time I checked I have authority over both of you." Alaesys took a step forward. Daemon placed both hands on the top of his blade and also took a step forward towards Alaesys.

"Yes Little Princess, but I am your father and that gives me authority over you no matter your title." Alaesys did not tear her eyes away from the stare down from her father.

"Watch me." Alaesys brushed passed Daemon but he caught her wrist. She stopped in her tracks but did not turn to look at her father. "Release me."

"Trust me, Dove. Do you want me or your mother to take you back to your room?"

"I am not a child!" Alaesys pulled out of Daemon's hold. She now wore a face of rage. Aemond stood beside of Daemon and the two men looked at each other and then back to the fuming lass. "If I am to be Queen I must handle matters on my own too. Give me freedom." Alaesys did not give either man a chance to answer.

She entered the dungeon and her hair stood on ends. The feeling of dread entered her body. It felt like death and pain all around her. She picked at the skin around her fingers as she ventured further into the dungeon. A guard stopped her just shy of the cells. "Princess, we are restraining the suspect for you."

"There is no need. I just wish to talk to him." The knight opened his mouth to speak but Alaesys held up her hand. "I will be fine. He did not try to harm me, only his brother." The knight stepped aside and Alaesys ventured to the cell door. The door opened for her and she carefully stepped inside.

Alester lifted his head and Alaesys cringed at his beaten face. She kneeled down in front of him and spoke with a soft voice. "I am sorry."

"Fuck you, you High Houses do not care about anybody but yourself. The common folk are just dirt beneath your feet." Alester snarled, sitting back and leaning on a free hand. Alaesys knitted her brows together and sat down on the ground across from Alester. He seemed surprised she would even be sitting in the same cell as him on the dirty ground.

"That is not true. Everything the Crown does is for the common folk." Alester bellowed out laughing and Alaesys frowned deeply. He wiped a stray tear away from his eye and halted his laugh.

"Your grandsire really has your pretty brain warped, hm?"

"What are you saying"

"Have you watched a mother have to trade her child for enough gold for a single meal? Or seen a man eat his own brother to avoid starvation? Gold and power has blinded you folk for far too long." Alester inspected the dirt under his nails and hummed to himself.

"How does killing me achieve that goal?" Alaesys leaned forward and laid a hand on Alesters knee. He seemed to come alive as she touched him. "You are not an evil man like your brother. Please, I just want to protect my family."

"Someone wants the throne, Princess. We were contacted by a third-party who was paying your weight in gold." Alester wiped his bleeding nose with the back of his hand and sniffled. "Our goal was to bring you to Flea Bottom for delivery. They say they only wanted to convince you to relinquish the throne but..." Alesters eyes lingered down to her belly. Alaesys immediately touched her bump and the dread returned.

"What of my mother, my brothers?"

"You are the heir after Princess Rhaenerya, if they were to...convince you of something, I believe your mother would be close behind." Alaesys sat back and stared up at the dungeon ceiling. Spider webs and bugs danced around and Alaesys thought of how much easier they had it. They only ate and slept and then died after a few days.

"What are you gonna do with me?" Alester seemed hesitant to even speak on the matter. Alaesys looked to the young man.

"You plotted my kidnapping, possibly the death of my child." Alester looked down to the chains around his wrist. Alaesys moved her hand up to his folded hands. "If it was up to my husband and father you would've died by dragon fire. I am not so cruel." Alester slowly lifted his blackened eyes to Alaesys. She was truly lovely. Not cruel and money hungry like he had grown up hearing.

"We will find use of you. Sleep it off tonight and we will find a job for you."

"T-thank you Princess...I do not know how to repay your kindness-"

"You will repay it in blood."

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A little tease for possible upcoming chapters(?):

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