Chapter 43: You Burn With Us

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" This is how the fire starts

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" This is how the fire starts. This is how we burn."

The siblings found themselves trapped between fast approaching dragon the back of the cave. Alaesys wrapped her hands around the bars and pressed her face between them. "Free me, and you will not burn alive." Grenn shook his head, holding out his blade in front of him.

"I will not free you, we need that coin." Alester grabbed his brother by the front of his shirt, pulling him face to face.

"You idiot! Coin is worth nothing if we are reduced to ash!" Alester was growing desperate. The heavy footsteps of Cesyja echoed against the cave walls. Alaesys crossed her arms across the bar, peaking up and squeezing the muscles in her arm so more blood pooled at the bottom of the cage.





At the order from deeper in the cave, the shrill shrieks of Cesyja made the men's ears throb. Grenn growled and grabbed Alaesys throat through the cage.

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed her throat to the point all of the blood drained from her face. Alaesys smiled at him, knowing he would meet a much worse fate. The deafening roar of Cesyja made Grenn drop the princess to the ground. Cesyja's wide shoulders made it impossible for her to walk any further. Leaning her head down, she opened her mouth and roared mere inches from Grenn and Alester.

The dragon salvia seared their skin and they both stumbled backwards in fear. Alaesys reached her hand out to Cesyja to let her know she was alright. "Pryjagon bisa." And destroy the she-dragon did. Her massive jaws clamped on the front of the cage and the steel folded like wet paper. Alaesys cradled her stomach as she exited the cage.

Before she could walk past the men, Grenn grabbed her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulled the Princess tight against him. "Grenn no!"

"This big bitch won't hurt me if I have her mistress eh!" Grenn smirked in satisfaction but Alaesys could physically feel how much he was sweating. From around Cesyja's massive claws came two shadowed figures. Alaesys tapped Grenn's arm, almost like a parting gift.

"Kepa!" Father.

"Valzȳrys!" Husband.

"Kostilus dohaeragon issa!" Please help me.

Alaesys flinched when the blade passed just an inch from her eye. The blade cut off a few stray hairs as it entered hand.. Alaesys cried out as the man screamed, dropping his hold on Ally to pull the dagger from his flesh. Alaesys lifted her skirt to run but Grenn grabbed her wrist with his free hand. "You bitch!"

Grenn pulled Alaesys to him. He pushed his body on her own and she could feel his weight slowly starting to crush her stomach. She struggled to wriggle loose of him, using her boot to kick him in the nose. The crunching noise was satisfying and Alaesys was able to pull free.

"Dracarys!" Cesyja unlatched her jaw. Grenn's last view was the dark red flames funneling through Cesyja's throat. The sound that accompanied the fire made Cesyja's skin crawl.

Alaesys only could see the flash of red heat and the searing of her dress before she limped to safety. She did not look back to see Grenn's body crumple to the ground in less then a second. He did not even have time to scream. Alaesys ran to Aemond's arms. He smelled of fear and the sea. But that was him.

Alester sobbed and fell next to his brother. He picked at the ashes and grabbed his sword with a growl. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Daemon stood before Alaesys and Aemond. He drew his sword and eyed the young boy with a small laugh. "Do not worry. You will meet the same fate."

"Do not kill him. He's the last one. I need to know who is behind this." Daemon slid his sword back in his sheathe. Aemond stepped forward, placing a hand on Daemon's shoulder.

"Allow me to show you how I defend my wife."


"Hush now, Dove. Kesan maghagon ao zȳhon prūmia." I will bring you his heart. Alaesys tried to reason with him but Daemon softly grabbed her arms.

"Do not watch, Ally." Daemon stood to block her view. He pushed her head to his chest and covered her ears. It was a welcomed gesture just as it was when Aemond had lost his eye. When the world became too much to bare, Daemon was right there.

Aemond approached the young boy with no weapons. Alester roared a battle cry and charged Aemond. Aemond simply stepped out of the way, holding his leg out and the boy fell to the ground at Cesyja's claws. Aemond grabbed the boy by the back of his collar and held him up to the beast. Cesyja roared, her front fangs twice as big as Alester's body length. "Cesyja does not take kindly to people who harm our beloved. Do you girl?"

Cesyja snarled in response, her hot breath huffing from her nostrils. Aemond threw the boy to the side and picked up his discarded sword. He tossed the steel to Cesyja who destroyed it with a bite. Alester struggled to find his footing. He clenched his fist and reared back to punch Aemond. Aemond caught his fist with ease and stared directly into Alesters eyes. He reached back and pulled off his eyepatch, tossing it to the ground. Alester made a terrified noise at the sight of Aemond's sapphire eye.

"Pathetic." Aemond closed his hand around Alesters fist, managing to break every single on of his fingers. He pushed the sobbing boy back and straddled him. He grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his fist back to strike blow after blow to the young boy's face. Even with Daemon covering her ears, Always could here the breaking and squelching of the boy's facial structure.

Aemond continued to brutalize the young man long after he had lost consciousness. His face was so swollen, bloody and broken that it was hard to tell if he was even human anymore. Guards came rushing in and Aemond finally moved off of the man. The guards scooped up Alester and dragged his unconscious body past Cesyja. Aemond looked down at his bloody hands. There was a wild feeling pumping through his veins at the sight of it.

"Aemond?" The feeling of bloodlust faded when he heard his Sweet Dove sing his name. Alaesys looked down to his hand but did not care of the mess he had made. Aemond wrapped his arms around Alaesys, his bloody hands ruining her white gown. He bruised his face into her silver hair and his anxiety slowly lessened.

"The baby?"

"They are alright. I think the excitement even made them a bit more active." Alaesys took a step back as Aemond's hands wildly touched her belly. His blood stained hands left large handprints all over Alaesys belly but she did not care.

"They are alright." Aemond repeated. He cupped Alaesys belly with both hands before resting his forehead on it. Alaesys would never tell but she could feel Aemond's body shake with sobs. She stroked his hair as he cried for her and their child. Daemon walked up to the couple and out his hand on Alaesys shoulder.

"Let's return you to your mother. I am afraid the boy would be reduced to ash if your mother were the one to find you instead of us." Alaesys gasped softly and tan to a what remained of Grenn's body. She kneeled down and rummaged through the ashes to find a hidden satchel and what remained of Laenor's necklace.

Cesyja's fire had nearly melted half of it but you could still make out the fact that it was jewelry. Cesyja opened the crispy satchel and pulled the note out that was surrounded by a block of Valaryian Steel.

Alaesys felt her plans grow sweaty and her heart race.

That was the Royal Symbol.

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