Chapter 59: Rabbit Foot

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"You crave the applause, you hate the attention

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"You crave the applause, you hate the attention."

Nobody questioned why Alaesys skirts were in disrepair, or why Aemond's hair had fallen from its braid, long wisps of hair dangling before his face. Alaesys wiped the blood from the split lip, her tongue dancing across the wound. Aemond cupped her face just outside of the tent, thumb touching her sore bottom lip.

"I will throw this tourney if you wish me to. The sooner I can bed you, the better." Aemond looked down upon her loving face with wolf-like grin. Alaesys giggled like a young girl and patted his scarred cheek.

"No. You return to the field and you win it all. For us. For them..." Alaesys gently brushed Aemond's hair from his shoulders and pulled the tie that held his locks back. The rest of his hair dropped to his shoulders and down his back. From this angle he looked like a man from the tales of Wildings her mother used to tell. His exposed eye glinted with lust and a primal rage. Alaesys pushed her fingers up under his eye patch and he froze.


"Let them see." Alaesys spoke like she was whispering to their children. Aemond parted his lips to say more but Alaesys pulled off his eye patch over his head. He immediately looked to the ground and felt the hair on his body stand on edge. Alaesys pushed his hair away from his redding cheeks, tucking hair behind both of his ears. "Beautiful."

Aemond tilted his chin up, pressing his face into Alaesys palms. She felt so warm, like home. For a man who's home felt ice cold, Alaesys brought all the warmth back with her. Alaesys touched right below his jeweled eye, a smile twisting at the corner of her mouth.

"You could not wait until after the celebration of your children to devour each other?" Aemond growled low in his throat and turned to see Aegon nursing a bruise on his jaw. Beside him, was Alicent with a bloody rag in her hands. She looked to her son and his wife before dropping her eyes to the ground. Alaesys could not escape the pain in her gut. Aegon looked at his brother disheveled appearance with a chuckle.

"I might have lost brother, but you look like you were mauled by a wild cat."

"Shut up." Aemond hissed. Alicent put her hand on Aegon's shoulder and whispered a few harsh words to her oldest child. Aegon simply shrugged her off and turned his gaze to Alaesys.

"I looked forward to dueling you, Aemond." Aegon pressed his tongue to his inner cheek and scoffed. "I was hoping to gain the favor of your wife." Those words switched a flip deep inside of Aemond. He clenched his fist tightly by his sides and took a step forward. Alaesys grabbed his flexing bicep and placed herself between the two men. Alicent pulled Aegon back as well and cleared her throat.

"You two are brothers! Stop this insistent bickering." Alicent looked between her two sons. There was an unspoken tension between them that had yet to be resolved. Alicent dug her boots into the ground. "Someone tell me what the issue is between you two."

"Yes brother, tell our dear mother of your sins." Aemond's voice was prickling with disgust. Aegon immediately sealed his lips and touched the bruise on his face again. Alaesys knew better than to stop her husband. He was in the right, something that Alicent was blind to. Alicent shook her head in confusion. Aemond passed Alaesys and grabbed the front of Aegon's torn undershirt.  Alicent grabbed at Aemond's arm, trying to pry him away from his elder brother. "Tell her Aegon! You walk on this earth with a smug grin, putting your cock into every common whore, and she still treats you like a saint."

Aemond's voice was wavering. His anger was reaching a peak that Alaesys had not seen in a long time. Alicent gave Alaesys a pleasing look but the Princess just shook her head. She would not extinguish her husbands rage. "I did not know they would force themselves upon you." Aegon's voice was very above a muffled whisper. He wished in that moment that his mother would go deaf. Aegon felt fear looking into the glinting sapphire in his brothers eye socket.

"You paid them to. I cried out for you, I begged you to make them stop." Aemond's lip curled back with a shaky breath. "I needed you and you let them have their way with me." Aemond's fist tore at Aegon's shirt and he dropped him to the ground. Aegon's legs lost feeling and he collapsed into the dirt before Aemond's feet. He did not dare lift his eyes back up to his younger brother. Alicent did not try to help Aegon for once. Her attention was on Aemond now. She laid a quivering hand on his arm and Aemond nearly clinched at the touch.

"My son, I am so sorry." Aemond did not let Alicent touch him for long. He took steps back until he could fully take in Aegon's shame in all of its glory. He looked defeated, saddened and ashamed. It was not often that Aegon felt shame. Alicent wrung her hands together when she saw Otto approaching. He dismissed the prying eyes of the servants and onlookers as he passed. Alaesys side-stepped as Otto rushed to his daughter. She had barely spoke. A few words to him since the birth of her children.

He had came to her birthing chamber once. He did not even touch her children. He simply stared down at them in their cribs. He did comment on how Daemond was growing healthily but it was more towards Aemond than anyone. It was almost like he refused to acknowledge Alaesys as a whole.

It was hard to face the woman you had tried to kill countless times, it seemed.

"What is going on here?" Aegon scrambled to his feet now. He would not look a fool in front of his grandfather of all people. Aemond did not even give Otto the courtesy of looking at him. Aemond turned to leave with his wife but Otto was the one to grab him this time. Aemond stopped in his tracks and looked at Otto directly in the eye. "I am talking to you, boy."

"Unhand me." Aemond did not remove his gaze from Otto. Alaesys noted he looked like a beast, nose flared and teeth gritted together in anger. Otto had not lived so long by being a fool. He quickly released his grandson and Aemond did not give the rest of his family a second look. He took Alaesys arm, noticing the look grin her eyes. It was not fear like he had assumed. It was nothing short of pride. The way Aemond had stood up for himself had her heart swelling with pride.

"Let me walk you to your seat, my lady."

Aegon watched in disgust through swollen eyes as Aemond walked his wife back to her seat. Otto was before him now, grabbing his arm in an iron grip as he pulled his mmm to his feet. Otto ignored Alicent's begging to release Aegon. Otto dug his fingers into the bruise on Aegon's shoulder, almost begging him in a cruel way to say something.

"You are a disgrace. You could not even convince the Alester boy to do your bidding." Otto hissed into his ear. Aegon stiffened his quivering bottom lip. He felt like a caged rabbit.

Otto would always have his claws in him.

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