Chapter 40: My Brothers' Keeper

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"Lovers in love and the other's run away

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"Lovers in love and the other's run away. Lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay."

Alaesys watched Lucerys and Aemond from the balcony while they trained. Baela had tried to convince her to crochet but she just absentmindedly pulled the needle through the fabric. Rhaena was also very disinterested by the craft and leaned over next to Ally to watch the boys practice. "Why is Jace just...watching?"

It was true. The young man was perched up on a rock with his arms crossed over his chest. He was not participating but it was obvious he was watching each move and studying. "I think his pride is fragile." Baela teased, pulling another line through the fabric.

Alaesys laughed and sat her crochet piece to the side. She rubbed her belly while she watched her husband dance across the sand. Lucerys was keeping up fairly well and her heart swelled with joy. Now if only Jacerys could join in.

"How had Jacerys fared since I left?" Alaesys inquired as she watched her brother. Her twin sisters looked at each other, as if telepathically deciding what they should tell her. "No, no twin business. Tell me the truth."

"He misses you, deeply. Lucerys is just as bad. Jace holds a resentment towards Aemond." Rhaena spoke carefully. Alaesys sighed and held her head, rubbing the sore spot between her brows.

"I should speak to him."

"No! You haven't finished your piece yet." Baela pouted. Alaesys picked up the piece and held her finger towards it.

"It's a dragon, see?"

"Ally, that is four straight lines."

"Use your imagination."

Alaesys managed to slip out from her crochet lessons. She forgot how confusing it could be to navigate the castle. However, she managed to find her way down to beachside. She hugged her cloak tighter to her body while she navigated the loose sand. The weather at Dragonstone was nearly always miserable.

Lucerys was the first to spot her waddling through the sand. He ran to her, sand kicking up under his feet. He held her hand and helped her through the dangerous sand pits. Luke eagerly chatted away about all the awesome moves Aemond had been teaching him. Aemond tucked his sword in the belt loop around his waist and met his wife halfway.

The two shared a loving kiss, laughing at the disgusted noise that Luke made. Aemond pulled back and playfully pushed Luke's head. "You are the one who wanted a niece or nephew so bad, little Lord."

"You couldn't wait to place one in my sister though, could you?" It was Jace who commented so rudely on their relationship this time. He hopped from the rock and rusted off his pants. He shot a low glare at Alaesys and slowly walked towards the edge of the beach. Aemond took a step forward to confront the younger boy but Alaesys out a hand on his chest.

"There is not many hour left of the morning, continue to train I will go talk to him." Aemond seemed to be hesitant but agreed nonetheless. The two shared a quick kiss and Alaesys went after Jacerys. The young boy had sat down right next to the beach shore. The waves lapped at his boots and he threw a pebble into the crashing waves. Alaesys settled in beside him with a quiet groan. It was becoming a little bit more difficult to sit and stand quickly.

"What troubles you, Jacerys?" Alaesys went to reach for his face but her brother jerked away with a frown. She slowly pulled her hand back and looked out towards the sea.

"You are missed here." Ally took note of how Jacerys did not say he missed her. Alaesys brought her knees up and hugged them, resting her chin on the top of them. "You left big shoes to fill. You are the perfect child."

"I am far from it."

"Not to mother, not to Luke...not to me." Jacerys faced her for the first time. She could see the angry tears in his eyes and he quickly moved to wipe them. Alaesys felt sorrowful for her brother as he continued to speak. "Now that you are pregnant and married, there is no chance of you returning."

"I had to do as is my duty. I am to be Queen and my marriage helps solidify our family." The speech seemed so rehearsed. Alaesys had almost convinced herself of its truth. She did not think about being Queen often. She thought Jacerys would make a much better King. He had the looks, the intelligence and most importantly, he was male.

Alaesys had seen how the kingdoms and nobles treated her mother. In every right, she should have the Crown. However because of what was between, or perhaps wasn't between her legs, it was threatened to be stripped from her at every turn.

Jacerys went quiet and looked down to the sand. Alaesys reached over again and placed a hand on his leg. He looked back up at her and for a second he was a little boy again. He was back and clutching her dress because Cesyja roared at him a little too loud. He was back to rubbing tears away while Alaesys patched up his skinned ankle.

"Why don't you two live here? Mother will rule for many years and you can raise your children at Dragonstone." The thought was there. Jacerys words were very true. She wanted her children to grow up like she had. She was surrounded by love at every turn and grew up with her uncles and aunt and brothers.

Then her mind drifted to Halaena and Aegon. The two were slowly rebuilding their relationship and she wished to be there for them. She feared what would happen if they were left to the grasps of Otto.

Alaesys gave a small smile and a simple nod. "It is a good thought. It is something I will consider greatly." Jacerys knew he would not get more than that from his sister. He looked to Lucerys who was covered in dirt and sweat. He seemed to be having so much fun, just being knocked around. "I think Luke would enjoy having Aemond around."

There it was.

Alaesys knew what part of the issue was.

"Your jealous." Alaesys spoke plainly. Jacerys did not try to deny it, his sister knew him too well. Alaesys scooted closer, enough to lay her head on Jace's shoulder. "You will always be his older brother, just as I am your older sister. It is a strange love that never wavers." Jace sighed shakily and laid his own head on top of Ally's.

"I cannot fill the hole you left for Luke. I can only try." A servant came out to the balcony and announced that breakfast was to be served soon. Alaesys felt her stomach, or maybe even her child (knowing Aemond), growl. Jacerys chuckled and stood from the sand, helping his sister to her feet.

"My nephew needs to eat." Alaesys placed a hand on her stomach and rolled her eyes.

"I wish for it to be a girl. I just want to rub it in everyone's faces." She did long for a boy though. She hoped he would have Aemond's cheeky grin and his nose. Perhaps her would halve her eyes and maybe Jace's floppy hair. He would have Luke's affection and Daemon's wit. She daydreamed about what her child would be like.

"Ally! I gotta show you my new moves!" Lucerys swung his sword around haphazardly. Aemond caught the blade with a single hand, just before it collided into Jacery's nose. Like sheepishly dropped the sword into Aemond's hand. Aemond sighed and plucked the sword from Luke's hands.

"You can show me after breakfast, my brave Knight." Alaesys held Luke's hand, reaching down to grab Jace's as well. Jacerys seemed to be taken aback but did not pull away. "If I do not eat now, I am afraid one of you might be my next meal." Alaesys playfully growled and acted as if she was eating Jace's hand. Her younger brother wrinkled his nose and laughed.

The trio walked towards the castle and Aemond was not far behind. His heart thumped against his chest every time he watched Alaesys with her brothers. She was a natural maternal figure. Her laughter filled his ears when Luke told her of how far his training had come.

Aemond could only think of how good a mother she would be to all of his children. He did not ever want to stop putting them inside of her.

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