Chapter 30: Loose Tongues

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"It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is good

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"It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is good."

Alicent came storming into Alaesys and Aemond's quarters bright and early. Alaesys had just managed to wake up and have some tea that the Septa had brought her. She pulled back the blankets to expose the dried blood stain.

"I have never seen people lose their minds over such a small amount of blood." Alaesys sipped her tea and gazed out over the city. Alicent tried to regain her composure and wiped her face.

"I pray your night went well." Alicent took a seat across from her new daughter and studied her appearance. The faintest of bruises decorated her neck and shoulders, some dipping low into her gown when it disappeared under the fabric.

"I did what was my duty." Alaesys pulled up the shoulder of her dress to try and hide the love bites. If her father were to see them she just might kill over. Or Luke. He did not hold a filter yet and would absolutely embarrass her in front of everyone if she were to allow it. Alicent poured herself some tea, her hands shaking. Alaesys turned to the Queen and assisted her to sit the pot back onto the table.

"Are you alright, My Queen?" Alaesys watched Alicent closely. Her lips trembled and she seemed to be a nervous wreck. Alaesys had never seen the woman so shaken by anything.

"I have been told of rumors that circle these castle walls. I will not stand for gossip in my inner circle." Alaesys leaned forward in confusion.

"My Queen-"

"Whatever you were told last night, I think it is best for you to forget it. The only thing you should be focused on is giving my son a child." Alicent sipped from her cup and refused to make eye contact with Alaesys. Alaesys was forced to bite her tongue but her gaze was heated. "Where is Aemond?"

"Mother?" Aemond had appeared in perfect timing and Alaesys felt as if you could breathe. Alicent smiled at her son and met him at the doorway. She stroked his cheek and gave him a saddened smile. Aemond sat the lemon cakes he had fetched for Alaesys on the table in front of the fireplace. He gestured for his mother to sit and she did so. Alaesys shook her head and walked to grab her lemon cakes. Aemond caught her arm and her gaze.

"The Queen has made it known I am not welcome here at the moment." Aemond opened his mouth to speak but Alaesys cut him off. "I will return shortly. We have studying to do, yes?" Alaesys managed to slip on shoes and an oversized cloak before she stepped into the hall. She did not wish to know what Alicent was speaking of. It was obvious it was family business that Ally herself was not yet included on.

She shoved a lemon cake into her mouth, trying to drown her pain in the sweetness of her dessert. The morning was still young and there were not many people roaming the halls besides servants. She found herself absentmindedly finding her mothers room. She rapped her knuckles against the door and it almost immediately flung open, startling Alaesys enough to drop her lemon cake on the ground at Daemon's feet.

"My lemon cake..." Alaesys mourned. Daemon rubbed his tired eyes and blinked a few times until he could make out the figure of his daughter. "Did I wake you?"

"Quite the opposite. Your brothers have done that for us." Daemon gestured into the room to see Rhaenerya trying to soothe a babbling Viserys. The young babe had a strong set of lungs, Alaesys could admit that. Daemon stepped to the side and moved to kneel in front of Rhaenyra, pulling the blanket away from Visery's round face.

"Ally, shouldn't you be enjoying the woes of being married?" Rhaenyra herself did not seem surprised by the sight of her daughter. Alaesys did not say much, just reached down and took Visery's from her mothers arms. Aegon was in his crib but was now peeking over the edge with sleepy purple eyes.

"Good morning, sweet boy." Alaesys ran her fingers through Aegon's messy fluff of silver hair. The babe cooed and pressed his head further into Alaesys palm. "I did too. However the Queen had other plans." Alaesys picked up Aegon in her other arm, resting the child on her hip and he immediately laid his head on her shoulder. "I would prefer to be here right now." Daemon kissed the side of Alaesys head as he passed, nearly collapsing onto the bed.

"I've been to battle and I think I would prefer to be there than with two children screaming in my ear."

"You can always return to it." Rhaenerya bickered back. Daemon chuckled and reached for his wife, resting his fingers against her palm. Rhaenerya laughed and rolled her eyes. Alaesys sat on the carpeted floor with the children, making sure to tuck Viserys tightly against her chest.

"Aegon visited us this morning, in the wee hours of the morning." Alaesys began. Daemon sat up on the bed, leering down at his daughter. "He said that Aemond was not the one who called for the attack, he said Larys had something to do with it. He also said that your lead lied to you." Alaesys lifted her eyes slowly to her father.

His jaw was locked and he swiped at his nose to cover the low growl from his chest. "I see." Rhanerya stood from her chair and moved to look at Daemon in the eyes. Her face was washed with confusion and the slightest hint of anger.

"Who was your lead, Daemon?" Alaesys reached for her mothers dress but Rhaenerya took a step closer out of her reach. "It was Mysaria, wasn't it?"


"She cannot be trusted. I will not have her fiddling in affairs when it comes to our children's lives." Rhaenerya tried to keep her voice low but it did not hide her anger.

"She was the last person I ever wanted to contact. I had no choice." Daemon stood up and looked down to Ally and his sons. He would interrogate every whore he had to, if it meant it would bring him to a lead. Daemon pushed back his hair and took Rhaenerya hands. "I swear to you."

"I believe you." Alaesys murmured from down below. Daemon gave her a grateful smirk and Rhaenerya seemed to soften.

"The Queen was nervous when she came to my quarters. She seemed...anxious about something." Daemon scoffed at Ally's words.

"Of course she did. That Green whore is probably the one who called for your head." Alaesys dropped her attention to her brothers who were tugging at her dress.

"Daemon, I've told you once and I will tell you again. Alicent is not capable of murder."

"She is capable of sealing our daughter away from us. She was capable enough to rid Ser Harwin-"

"Enough." Rhaenerya hissed. She pulled her hands from Daemon's hands and walked towards the open window. Alaesys passed off Viserys to Daemon and walked to comfort her mother. Rhaenyra gave her hand to her daughter and allowed her to lay her weary head on her shoulder. It was very unspoken about how much her mother truly missed the Strong Son. She knew how much Jace and Lule looked like their father and knew that must be hard for Rhaenerya to look at every single day.

"We will find out the truth, Mother." Alaesys kissed her mothers cheek and Rhanerya softly squeezed her hand. A knock on the door was the only warning before Aemond simply walked into the bedroom. Daemon stiffened at the sight of the man and eyed him up. Alaesys turned to her new husband and cleared her throat.

"My apologies, father." Aemond spoke plainly and Daemon physically felt his skin crawl at the name. "I have come for my wife."

"Call me that again and I will cut off your tongue."

"Father!" Alaesys stomped over to the two men and stood between them. She knew she could not separate them if something were to happen but she had to calm the tension building. Aemond wiped the corner of his mouth and chuckled.

"Your daughter would very much mourn my tongue."

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