Chapter 39: Earn Your Keep

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"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog

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"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Jacerys and Lucerys were far more excited about this fight over anyone else. Alaesys shivered from the cold and she had refused to eat even a sliver of food. Anxiety ate away at her and Rhanerya finally convinced her to put a blanket around her shoulders. "Sweetling, you should be inside."

"If Aemond wants to act like a fool then so do I." Alaesys purposefully kept her stomach visible. Daemon could not bring his eyes to his daughter without thinking of Rhaenerya. Aemond could not tear his eyes away from the way she cradled her belly. He shook his head and continued to clean his training blade. Daemon stood first, twirling the dummy sword in his fingers.

Daemon stood on his side of the training ground, eyeing Aemond as he too stood with blade in hand. "This will be a fair fight. No serious injuries, and if you need to tap out, raise your hand."

Aemond chuckled and swung his sword behind his back, getting a good feel for the handle. "I think the only one that will be surrendering is you, father." Jacerys took his spot as the mediator. He raised his hand up in the air and pulled his arm down to signal the fight.

Aemond sneered at Daemon as they both assumed a high guard, and threw an overhand cut. Daemon parried quickly, reflexively. Aemond cut from the other side, and Daemon again parried. They moved, back and forth, it seemed to be more of a dance than a battle. Each man followed one another's step.

Alaesys felt her heart stop each time Daemon brought his sword towards Aemond. Her fingers turned white with his hard she was gripping the blanket around her shoulder. Daemon jolted his sword sharply, narrowly missing Aemond's rib cage.

Aemond was quick in his feet and was able to dodge Daemon's attacks. Daemon was clearly more skilled, knowing where Aemond's blows would land. He seemingly knew before Aemond even advanced his sword. "It seems the young pup has a bark worse than his bite." Daemon teased. Aemond took a defensive stance, chuckling at the older man's words.

"This is starting to grow boring." Aemond cut and thrust at Daemon relentlessly, driving him around the training grounds, never letting him gain his balance. Rhaenerya audibly swallowed loud as Daemon seemed to stumble over his fret, which would be detrimental during a fight. The sand underneath his boots was loose and wet. It was a surprise neither of them had fallen from the terrain.

Startled, Daemon stepped back, sword held out to keep Aemond at bay. Aemond slapped his blade aside and thrust. Daemon parried and tried to counter-thrust, only for the two of them to meet face to face, arms and swords high, their eyes locked behind the deadlock of their blades.

Daemon pressed his weight into his sword and stumbled back. Aemond  to a step back, sword held out to keep Daemon at an arms distance. "I am surprised you can still hold your own, Old Man."

A deep fire sat behind Daemon's eyes. His lips curled back in a grim expression and he went on the attack. The clattering of the wooden swords echoed across the beach. Lucerys and Jacerys seemed to perk at the way Daemon began to overpower Aemond. Aemond began to falter in his steps. It became harder and harder to defend the deafening blows Daemon dealt.

Alaesys tapped her foot as the anxiousness built in her body. She chewed on the skin around her nails and she knew she broke skin but it was not enough to stop her. Baela noticed her sisters actions and softly brought her hand away from her mouth. She held her hand instead, rubbing the back of her knuckles for comfort. "It is just friendly duel."

Duel? Yes.

Friendly? No.

It was obvious that the men were out for some sort of pride or blood. Aemond was able use his body weight to throw of Daemon's harsh jabs. Taking the offensive, Aemond feint an overhead stab at Daemon's head. Instead of a direct blow, Aemond dipped down and slashed at Daemon's thigh. Even though the blade was wooden, the hit was enough to cause Daemon to limp. Rhaenerya gasped quietly and Alaesys knew her mother was just as concerned.

Aemond held his sword about straight towards Daemon. He looked down the blade with a teasing grin. "Would you like to forfeit, Uncle?" Daemon stretched out his leg and swallowed down a grunt.

Daemon did not answer but continued on the assault. Alaesys flinched every time the swords slammed against each other. Daemon dropped down, spinning on the balls of his feet and swept Aemond's feet out from under him. The once nimble man fell to his back and the wind was knocked from his lungs. Daemon held the tip of his blade to Aemond's throat while he panted for breath.

"Yield." Daemon ordered. Aemond raised his hands up in defeat but when Daemon dropped his guard, Aemond hooked his leg to the side of Daemon's injured thigh and knocked him to the ground. The sword fight moved into a grapple and the two men were wrestling in the sand. Aemond pressed into the soft flesh of Daemon's neck, trying to force him to lose consciousness.

Daemon was no stranger to hand-to-hand combat. He knocked Aemond off with a solid blow to the jaw. He pushed the younger man off to his side and gasped for breath. He did not give Aemond a second to recover and raised a tightly closed first.

Aemond had a growing bruise on his face and instead of yielding he simply gave a cocky smirk to Daemon.

"Please, stop!" Alaesys screamed. Daemon did not look to his daughter. He looked upon Aemond with a stiff stare. Aemond instead looked to Alaesys and all fight left his body. Daemon lifted his weight off of Aemond and limped back. The strike to his leg had his weight distribution thrown off but he managed to walk to his family. Alaesys brushed completely past him and kneeled next to Aemond.

"Are you hurt?" Alaesys cupped Aemond's face and tan her thumb over the light bruise on his jaw. Aemond covered her hand with one of his own and smiled.

"I am fine, Issa jorrāelagon." My Love. Aemond always knew how to make her heart soar. Alaesys helped Aemond stand to his feet and the two walked hand in hand towards the others. Daemon turned with his hands behind his back.

"You still have much to learn." Aemond did not respond but Alaesys could feel how tense he grew but he did not give a snarky comment. "You did well. I believe you can provide protection to my daughter and my grandchild."

Alaesys smiled wide, she could not contain her excitement. She turned and looked up to Aemond who even had the smallest of smiles on his face. Even though he had lost the fight. It was clear he was made to be a skilled warrior. Lucerys tan up to Aemond with wide, curious eyes.

"Aemond, could you show me the low sweep you did?" Aemond was not used to being a teacher. He had seemed to always follow the lead of those older than him. To be seen as a tutor, well it made him proud. Aemond opened his mouth to speak but rethought his speech.

"Of course, my prince. Tomorrow, I promise." Alaesys cupped Lucerys cheek and the two shared a similar grin. Jacerys teeth were clenched and he looked to the side. He had fully expected Daemon to win, but this battle had made him realize he was not near the same level as his Uncles. Alaesys caught the disappointed look in Jacerys eyes but would not speak on it at this moment.

"Let us go inside, I cannot feel my fingers." Alaesys jest.

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