Episode 10

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Third person's pov:

"Stop!", the voice from the back made me halt on my steps.

I turned around and saw Jimin marching towards me with a frown on his face.

"I told you that you'll leave with me.", he stated getting closer to me.

Yeah you told but didn't ask.

He now stood right in front of me with his one hand shoved in his pocket. I was looking down in hesitation as no excuse was coming out of my mouth.

Taking a sharp breath, he abruptly grabbed my hand.

"Let's go now.", he said and started dragging me to his car.

Shoving me inside, he settled himself at the driving seat.

The way to his house seemed to be long. Looking out the window there were several thoughts surrounding me.

It was indeed in my favor to go to his place and get closer to him. Yet I was scared.

He was always the most suspicious out of all to me. While looking for their bio datas, I tried to look for his to. But I couldn't.

There was absolutely no information about him anywhere. There are some businesses under his name but no information about his family was mentioned.

His car made his way inside a huge mansion and my eyes went wide in shock looking at the majestic castle like place, he called his 'house' earlier.

There was some sort of fear building inside me as I looked around frantically.

There was only grass all I could see till the reach of my sight.

Following him from the back I made my way inside the mansion. A lot of servants and maids standing in a row bowed at us as we walked past them.

Entering the living room, my eyes fell on a man sitting on the couch, carrying an authoritative aura.

"Uncle!", Jimin exclaimed with happiness and immediately hugged the man.

The man smiled hugging him.

"I heard how good you did on the last mission. I'm proud of you.", he patted his shoulder with a proud smile pulling away from the hug.

Jimin smiled wider at his uncles remarks.

I was still standing away looking at them both. I was clearly shocked looking at Jimin. Who could think that 'Park Jimin' would have a soft corner for someone? Who could think that he smiles too?

Suddenly his uncle's eyes fell on me and a frown appeared on his face.

"Who is she?", he asked which made Jimin turn around.

"She......", hesitation and nervousness was visible on his face."She is my friend."

His uncles eyes were now on me. Not knowing what else to do, I immediately took my steps closer.

"Hello! I'm y/n. Nice to meet you.", I nervously said and instantly bowed.

There was nervousness inside me but it suddenly vanished as I heard a chuckle. Lifting up my head I saw his uncle laughing.

I was bewildered. Looking at Jimin, I raised both of my eyebrows in an interrogative way yet he kept his blank face.

"I thought you are one of the annoying girls that come looking for Jimin. They are indeed very persistent.", his uncle explained with a smile.

"Oh.", I said smiling with realization.

"They are very hard to deal with. More stubborn than any rival I ever had.", he said laughing.

"Then how do you deal with them?", I questioned with a slight chuckle.

"Believe me, you don't want to know that."
Third person's pov:

The laughing sounds now surrounded the whole mansion. The sounds which the horrific place was quite unfamiliar to.

"You're the only good friend Jimin ever brought home.", his uncle said laughing.

Jimin was just sitting besides us looking at us both as we talked.

It's been more than two hours since we are sitting in this same room, talking and laughing.

Jimin indeed tried to ask his uncle for a leave for us both, taking the assignment as an excuse. Yet his uncle refused and asked Jimin to ask any of their men to do it.

Watching thirty years old well built men doing a school assignment was a very rare and funny sight indeed.

We kept talking without any track of time but now it was getting dark.

"I shall leave now.", I said with a smile.

"You should stay for the dinner.", his uncle insisted but I shook my head.

"Some other time.", I said and stood up, bowing.

"Jimin.", his uncle called him making him snap out of his world.

"I want you to bring her here often.", his uncle ordered. A frown appeared on his face.

"But.....", he couldn't argue as he immediately got cut by his uncle.

"Or your friends are not allowed anymore here."

Hearing this, he looked at his uncle in disbelief. Slowly nodding his head, he made his way out to the car.

I also followed him from the back, after bading to his uncle.

Just as I came out of the mansion, a hand held my arm in a tight grip, dragging me.

Getting out of the grasp, I sighed in frustration.

"Can't you just treat a human like a human? Why are you always dragging and shoving me? Huh?", I said in an irritated tone.

An expression of shock and amusement was visible on his face.

I was shocked at his weird reaction at my outburst. I expected him to shout at me or just behave with me the way he does with the other girls yet he stood still watching me with visible amusement.

Suddenly grabbing my arm, he abruptly pushed me towards his car.

My eyes went wide and heart started beating faster than ever. His arms were caging me and warm breaths now fanning at my face. He tilted his head looking intensly at me.

"You're getting more and more interesting for me each and every passing second. And there's no way it's going to be good....

for you."

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