Episode 19

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Y/n's pov:

Was it admiration in his eyes? Naah. Not possible.

Finalizing the dress, we went to the reception to pay for it.

I took out my card but before I could give it, he placed his card at the counter, eyeing me.

I perplexed my hand and put my card back.

"I thought you would have a black card.", I commented looking at his card.

He didn't say a word and started walking out.

"I'll go to the party directly myself. Just drop me home.", I suggested while getting into the car.

"You're going to my house. We'll go to the party from there.", he briefly said which made me blink my eyes in disbelief.

"But I need to get ready. I don't even have my cosmetics......"

"There's everything in my house.", he briefly answered with his eyes still fixed at the road.

I couldn't argue any further. Cause even if I did this guy was not going to listen to me anyways.

I looked out of the window throughout the journey but it felt familiar. Deja Vu?

I looked around sharply and realized that it's the same way jungkook took me to his house.

As we reached more and more near to his house my heart beat fastened.

Just a coincidence? All rich people live in the same area?

Oh no.......

My body froze as he parked the car in the very same house as jungkook.

He went out of the car while I was still sitting inside indulged in my own thoughts.

A knock on my side of door made me come out of my thoughts.

I instantly rushed out of the car, towards soobin.

"Is this your house?", I nearly yelled.

He seemed rather confused by my question but still nodded his head.

"Oh my God!"

How could I not understand it? Jeon soobin! He is Jeon soobin! They share the same sername! He is his brother.

Why is he hiding his brother then? What is that's actually hidden?

He looked at me beiwldered for sometime while I was in my own thoughts.

Clearing his throat, he got my attention and instantly started walking further inside. I was bewildered.

I slowly walked behind him inside the house with the storm of thoughts still surrounding me.

He took me to a room which was very delicately decorated. Entering the room I was welcomed by a faint sweet scent which was quite intoxicating.

My eyes wandered around to find a vanity placed in front of the large king sized bed placed in the mid.

"The vanity is there and the changing room is over there. Be careful while using everything and don't touch anything unnecessary.", he calmly stated pointing towards the rooms, with his gaze fixed at me. I slowly nodded my head.

He nodded back and left the room, leaving me all alone.

"Is it his girlfriend's room?", I muttered to myself feeling the feminine vibe the place offers.

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