Episode 17

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Walking back from the chemistry lab, I was still thinking about the proposals. I mean the partenrship proposals.

Being a partner to one of them can cause my relationship with the other one get destroyed. It may even lead to them all fighting among themselves. And that's not what I want.

I do want to get my sister's revenge. But I don't want to harm anyone innocent. So I can't do anything severe till I'm confirmed who my real target is.


My eyes moved to my left as I saw taehyung walking downstairs.

I slightly smiled at him and he smiled back cheekily.

"I was looking for you and here you are!", he exclaimed breathing unevenly.

"You were looking for me?", I asked uncertain and he nodded his head.

"Yes. Actually......", he suddenly turned away from me, walking a few steps far with his back at me.

I saw him talking to himself which confused me further.

"What are you saying?", I asked making him turn his head back at me.

He shook his head and stepped closer.

"I just wanted to ask you if you'll be my partner for tomorrow because I really like you and it's not from now but exactly from the day when I first saw you I felt that I should be more than friends with you but you just wanted to be friends so I didn't say anything but now I want to ask you that......"

"Stop!!!", I gestured my hand at him with uncertainty.

"You want me to be your partner for tommorow?", I asked to confirm.

"Yeah.", he scratched the back of his neck shyly.

Now this was overwhelming!

"No need to stress yourself. Think till tomorrow. I'll wait for your text.", he said with a nervous smile.

There's no way I can keep him in the waiting list too. I need to clearly tell him. He's far most the most understanding anyways.

"Um. Taehyung......"

"Hey guys!"

Our eyes got shifted to the front where we saw eunwoo walking towards us with a wide smile laminating his face.

"Hey.", I smiled back at him as he walked closer.

"I need to go. I have a class. I'll see you both later.", taehyung said and instantly left without even greeting eunwoo which confused me.

"Do you have anymore lectures?", eunwoo asked and I shook my head.

"That's good. Let's go to the cafeteria then.", he said and held my hand.

"But the notebook......", I couldn't say further as he dragged me with him to the cafeteria .

Just as we entered, I saw all the students eyeing us weirdly. Just then my eyes moved to our hands which were still interwined.

I tried to take my hand back from his grip but to my surprise he just held it tight. We sat on the table which actually belongs to his group.

Even after we sat together he was still holding my hand.

"Um. Eunwoo......", I said and hesitantly pointed towards the hand.

"Oh.", he said and finally left my hand.

"So........", he started and I looked up at him.

"You know about the party right?", he asked which made me dizzy.

Oh God! Not him.

"I want you to go to the party with me.", he plainly said which sounded more like an order.

"I......", I couldn't complete as he interrupted.

"I've never been to the party ever before. Because of the study stress, I always had to stay at home. But now I want to go. I want to enjoy myself for sometime.", he completed.

"Um. That's great but why don't you go with anyone else......"

"I want to go with you y/n.", his statements are getting more and more dominant now. There's no sense of advice or suggestion in them. He is ordering me and wants me to comply. That's it.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow then?", he casually said which made my eyes widen.

"Or shall we go shopping first and buy you a dress that suits you better?", he suggested which bewildered me more.

"Shall I send you something of my choice? Or maybe something that matches my outfit to make us look like a couple?"


I quickly stood up from the seat which made him shock.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave right now.", I said and without wasting a second more started marching out of the cafeteria.

"OK but be ready......", I could hear him from behind but I wish I couldn't.

It was really awkward. Especially because of the fact that he didn't ask me for it. Instead ordered me. If Jimin showed a behavior like this then it would be more believable but him.......

I walked back to my class and started walking towards my desk.

I had to sit to a desk placed at the last at a corner because I wanted to avoid both soobin and Jimin.

I was walking to the back when suddenly my eyes fell on my bag......... placed next to soobin?

I narrowed my eyes in confusion and then averted them to soobin who was sleeping on his desk.

I took a deep breath as I knew that he is a lazy species. There's no way he would even bother to put my bag next to his.

I now moved my eyes to the desk I was previously sitting at and....... it was not a desk anymore. Just a few wood cuts. Y-Yeah......

I gulped hard and sat next to him. Throughout the whole lecture he didn't even woke up. As expected of him.

Finally as the lectures ended the whole class started leaving the class. They were all excited for the party.

I started putting my books in the bag which were scattered on the desk.

Suddenly one of the books slipped my hand, causing it to fall on the ground.

I bent to pick it up but before I could, I saw soobin holding it.

I immediately straightened up myself gulping in nervousness.

He casually put the book on my desk and I instantly put it in my bag.

I zipped my bag in a hurry and was about to run out of the class but just then my feet got struck with the desk, causing me to fall.

I closed my eyes in fear but to my surprise instead of falling down I was pulled back, making my back completely crash on his chest.

My body froze and eyes wide opened as I realized what just happened.

"You really like annoying me?", I heard his raspy sleepy voice which sent shivers to my spine.

"You remember, I hate people sitting on my desk or on my table, right?"

I gulped hard as I realized that I'm in problem now.

In problem with Jeon soobin.

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