Episode 29

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Taehyung's pov:

"I don't have time dad. My exams are around the corner and......", I tried to turn a deaf ear to my father's words but my dad was persistent.

"Stop it taehyung! I don't want to listen to your nonsense.", he yelled with anger.

"Don't you know, how important these elections are for me? If I loose then you'll need to forget about all this power and authority you have.", he said in a rageful tone and huffed.

I know how important his position is for him and I also admire everything it gets me. But politics is a muddy ground and I don't like my hands dirty.

"There are a few strikes happening in the country regarding a rape case. I want you to fully support them with your presence and give statements for woman rights.", he completed and a frown appeared on my face. Rape? Woman rights? What nonsense!

"Now go and get whatever colors you have in there. We need to go to the strike right now.", he completed in an irritated tone and I nodded my head not being in the mind to argue back. But I hate the way he disrespects my art.

Getting out of the car, I made my way inside the building.

I had no classes today. All I wanted was to get rid of that strike thing but now I know I can't.

Wandering around the hallway, my eyes suddenly fell on a figure standing at a short distance.

A smirk appeared on my face as I saw her gaze fixed at my painting, placed on the hallway wall. The same painting she liked a lot.

Walking near her, now I stood right besides her. Her hands were sliding over the painting and unintentionally my hand also moved over her's.

She instantly yanked my hand away, startled by my sudden touch.

I laughed at her shocked yet adorable expressions.

"You like my paintings a lot right?", I questioned, shoving my hands in the pockets. She huffed and I raised my brows.

"Only if you were also as beautiful and colorful as them. Or you could actually paint your sinful black heart, red. But alas, your heart and life would always stay dark no matter how many canvases you color.", she replied making me surprised by her new way of talking. There was no fear in her eyes which puzzled me.

"No worries kitten. I can paint these blank canvases and you paint my blank life, making it colorful.", I smirked and she scoffed arrogantly. I'm not unliking this. Infact, I love this new hot y/n.

"I? Painting your life? Colorful? Definitely! I'd love to paint you red, with your own blood."

Fuck!!! Now this is even more sexy.

"Seems like the kitten has forgotten whom she's talking to.", I said with a grin and took a step towards her. She didn't step back but stood firm at her place.

"You know that I can do whatever I want with you. With the amount of power I have, even if I take you here.....", I murmured lowly with a devious chuckle leaving my mouth. "still nobody would ever question me.", I completed standing extremely close to her.

Her expression were still stoic, devoid of any fear or terror.

"Power right? The president elections are near, so I guess the power is about to go. Once your father loses his seat, you won't be anything taehyung.", she seethed with anger but I still chuckled.

"He's going to win like always, kitten. And after him it'll be me. The power is not gonna go anywhere. Instead, it'll come to me from him, making me even more powerful than ever. And do you know what will I do with all that power? Especially with you?", I looked into her eyes, completely bending down at her level.

"You can't do me anything Kim Taehyung, not now and never.", she said with her flaring eyes.


"Yes.", she confidently said and I instantly took a step back.

"Alright, challenge accepted. Now either you will be the one to win and save yourself from me forever or I'll be the one to win and then you know where you will be.", I completed with a wide grin.

"Six feet under ground?", she huffed but I shook my head.

"Under me."

Jimin's pov:

"She've not visited for long. Did she break the friendship as well?", my uncle's sudden question made me turn my head towards him.

"No, we actually made up.", I replied as a smile appeared on my face.

"Made up?", my uncle's voice got louder and I nodded.

"Thank God. I thought she left you.", my uncle said with an expression of relief and I chuckled.

"Well if that's the case then ask her to come over. I want to meet her. I know it's early but before you do any further mistakes and she eventually leaves you, we need to name your relationship properly.", he suggested and I nodded my head.

"That is what I was thinking about. But the black spades mission is really getting extended, making them forget their limits and invade our territories again and again.", I said placing the files in my hand down on the table.

I already gave it a thought. I want to marry y/n now, so that she may never be able to leave me. And for that, I need to complete this mission as soon as possible. So that I may get some good time to spend with her.

I know that once I get her here, she'll struggle a lot to escape or get out of my grip and hence there will be a need to keep an eye on her the whole time. And I'll do that myself. I'll spend as much time with her as possible and make her used to me. So much that she may never even think of leaving me ever.

"Complete the mission. Then ask her to come over.", my uncle suggested and I nodded my head smiling cheekily.

I saw my uncle finally smiling after so long.

My uncle loves her as his own daughter and she respects him too. It makes it even more beautiful. Our life can be so much beautiful only if she forgets about her sister and forgive me for once.


A/N pov:-

Rule no 1: No forgiveness for a murdurer.

Rule no 2: You need to apologize for getting someone's forgiveness.

According to these rules jimin is definitely on the right track.

Who do you think will win the challenge though? Y/n is persistent but taehyung is definitely powerful.

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