Episode 37

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Third person's pov:

It was time for the dawn, making it completely dark outside.

Eunwoo was still standing outside the operation theatre with an absolutely blank face. He was there but he was not. He was breathing but he was not. It was like his world crashed and now there's nothing left for him. He was dead inside out.

The nurses and doctors passing by him were glaring at him puzzled. Some even tried to question him if he's okay or not, but he didn't answer, like he didn't hear them. And yes, he couldn't hear anything they said.

Somebody rushed inside the hospital making everyone around gasp in shock as it was none other than the well know Kim Taehyung.

He looked around frantically and that's when his gaze landed over eunwoo, who was standing outside the room.

"Where's y/n?!", he rushed towards eunwoo.

Eunwoo slowly lifted up his head and looked at him.

Taehyung was breathless, the way that it felt like his life was at stake.

"I'M ASKING YOU, WHERE IS Y/N, DAMN IT?!!", taehyung shouted at him but instead of answering him, eunwoo pushed taehyung hard , making him stumble back.

Taehyung was completely shocked now.

"Get lost.", eunwoo said through his gritted teeth as his breath was also slightly uneven.

Taehyung was more than bewildered by eunwoo's words.

"What is your problem! Is this how you treat your friend?"

"You're not my friend! GET LOST!!!", eunwoo shouted. His voice echoed the entire hallway. The look in his eyes and his messy hair were telling it, that he's in a state to take anybody's life, without thinking twice.

"Where's y/n?"

Both eunwoo and taehyung looked towards jungkook who just arrived looking completely disheveled.

"You also get lost.", eunwoo seethed through his gritted teeth.

Jungkook was startled by eunwoo's words, not being able to decipher where's he coming from.

Getting tired of his nonsense, taehyung tried to walk past eunwoo towards the room but eunwoo pushed him again making him burn in rage.

"Enough of your nonsense. Now get out of my way.", taehyung again tried to walk but this time eunwoo threw a punch at his face, making his bottom lip bleed. And now taehyung lost it.

Not waiting a moment, he threw a punch at eunwoo's face and grabbed him by his collar.

Jungkook instantly rushed towards them and separated them both by force.

"You cannot stop me from going to her. Nobody can.", taehyung yelled furiously gawking at eunwoo.

Jungkook's head turned towards taehyung in bewilderment as the words left his mouth.

"I can even fuc......"


A hard punch was thrown at taehyung's face, but this time by jungkook. He fell down on the floor by the effect.

An expression of disbelief was laminating his features.

"Don't take her name taehyung. Don't even think of that.", jungkook warned with his eyes flaring in ferocity.

Eunwoo scoffed at the two and then straightened up his posture.

Taehyung got up from the floor, rubbing his thumb over his bleeding lip, eyeing jungkook.

"I guess it makes it pretty clear now.", both taehyung and jungkook turned towards eunwoo.

"We want the same and we cannot share. And if one wins, then the rest will lose.", he looked at them both in the eyes as there was detemination visible in his tone.

"So from now on........

we're enemies."


Third person's pov:

It's already 2AM and they all are still standing outside the room at three different places.

There was only rage and hate in all of them towards each other. Their friendship and loyalties were nowhere to be found. They harmed others earlier for their own will, so it was no difficult for them to do the same to each other.

A doctor passed by and the three instantly gathered around him.

"How's y/n?", the three asked him in a rush.

"The girl is still critical but the boy is being transferred to another hospital, soon he'd be fine.", the doctor explained but none of them paid any heed to his words.

The most weird thing about this whole scenario was the fact that none of them even once asked for jimin. They were not even interested to know of he's alive or not.

And that's because they were all blaming jimin for y/n's state. And that was indeed true.

Suddenly their eyes shifted at the front as they saw soobin walking inside the hallway in a fast pace.

His eyes were red, hair messy and face completely pale.

They were all startled to find him here.

He kept walking till he reached in front of the door.

"There's an operation happening, you can't go in......", the doctor instantly shut as Soobin's blood red eyes glared at him with a murderous gaze.

Without hesitating a moment, he entered the room while the other three were still outside, completely shocked.

"I'm going inside.", taehyung said and tried to make his way inside.

"I'm also coming.", jungkook said and also follwed him.

"You people can't!!!", the doctor stopped them all, making them raise their brows at him.

"I-I mean, this is an operation theatre and she's critical. More presences means more germs and chances to get her condition even more severe. It's crucial for her to stay intact.", he explained them, making them finally step back.

A while passed as they were still outside the ward when soobin suddenly dashed out and made his way out of the hallway.

They were all still very confused by the way he came and then left.

"Hope he's not a competition.", taehyung said in an amusing tone, looking at his disappearing figure.

After long, finally the surgeon came out of the room, making all three of them gather around him.

"Who's with the patient?", he asked.

"Me!", all three of them said together making the doctor a bit puzzled.

"Uh-huh..... O-Okay. Um, actually the patient is out of danger now.", he completed and a smile finally appeared on their faces.

"But.....", their smiles faded as they heard the doctor hesitating.

"The case needs to be reported to the police.

She've been raped."


A/N: Took long to update? My dearest apologies. Will try to get them sooner updated from now on. ^.^

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