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"You were right, Pallavi. The food was really very delicious."

Pallavi gave him a 'told you' look.

They had just finished their breakfast and Aadhya had gone to keep the dishes inside the sink when Arhaan complimented Aadhya's culinary skills behind her back.

"Don't you have any office to go to?" Aadhya asked while coming out of the kitchen.

"I'd rather be here and spend some time with you than go to an office where you won't be there." He smirked.

"I don't want to spend any time with you."

"Your opinion doesn't matter. I will be staying here whether you like it or not."

Aadhya's eyes widened in disbelief and she said,"Excuse me?—"

Before she could complete her sentence, Arhaan cut her off,"You are excused."

Pallavi shook her head and announced that she was going to take a shower.

Shortly after, Aadhya also left taking Aayansh with her. Now that Arhaan was alone, he took out his phone and viewed some mails that he received from his office.

An hour later, Pallavi and Aadhya entered the living room only to notice that different files and papers were scattered around the floor and Arhaan was sitting in the middle of that mess with a laptop perched up on his lap.

Pallavi went inside the kitchen and came out with a bowl full of popcorn, bracing herself for the upcoming drama while Aadhya took deep breaths to calm herself.

Aadhya cleared her throat and when he looked at her, she gave him a sickly sweet smile and said,"Mr. Ahuja, what do you think you are doing?"

"Working." He gave her a bored reply, without looking at her, which added fuel to the fire.

"Shut up, you smartass. What is all this mess doing on MY LIVING ROOM'S FLOOR?" Her loud screeching sound made him look up at her and raise his brows.

"You can always clean it up later." He waved his hand dismissively.


"I what?" He smirked.

"Why will I clean this up?"

"Because this is your house."

"And you made a mess in my house. So, you will clean it."

"You can't force me."

"Of course, I can. Pallavi?"

"Huh?" Pallavi jerked up in an upright position when she heard her name.

"Tell your brother to clean my living room."


"What?" He asked in a dangerously low voice which made Pallavi gulp in fear.

"Don't include me in your petty quarrel." She went inside the kitchen again, because it was the only place where she could enjoy the squabble without being noticed.

"Why are you an asshole?"

"Because I was born with that trait?"

"It's not a trait, you idiot."

He shrugged and went away from the messy room towards Aadhya's room where Aayansh was playing with his cars.

He sat beside him on the bed and kept adoring his handsome features. He was handsome, just like his father.

He had beautiful hazel-green orbs, chubby cheeks, doe-shaped eyes, perfect eyelashes, perfectly arched eyebrows and a fair complexion.

When Aayansh noticed his father sitting beside him, he offered him one of his toy cars and he chuckled at his innocence.

He took the toy from him and started playing with him, enjoying his alone time with his son.

The sudden knock on the door disrupted the peace that was surrounding them. Arhaan got up and opened the door to find an agitated Aadhya.

She gritted her teeth and said,"Who gave you the permission to lock the door?"

"I don't need anyone's permission to do anything."

"Don't forget, Mr. Ahuja, that you are standing inside my house and my room."

"I did not forget anything. I can't say the same about you though, Ms. Jaiswal."


"Did you forget that whatever is mine is yours and whatever is yours is mine?"

"What? When did I say anything like that?"

"You didn't but I did."


"Do you have some hearing problems? I spoke that just 2 minutes ago."

"You....uggh. I can't even remember any curses right now."

"Should I remind you the curses? I have a special method reserved for you to remind you all the curses of the whole world." He said while leaning closer to her and whispered the last sentence in her ear.

She closed her eyes and balled her fists in order to control her anger. She took a few steps back, took a deep breath and then gave him a very sweet smile and said,"No, thanks. Now if you don't have anything productive to say then get lost. Unlike you, I have got plenty of chores to do."

"Yes, of course. Plenty of chores that includes watching a bundle of series with Pallavi."

"Don't get sarcastic, bhai. You can join us if you want to." Pallavi said from behind Aadhya, a big bowl of popcorn in her hands.

Arhaan smirked and looked directly in Aadhya's eyes and said,"Nah. I will pass. I have plenty of work to do, unlike you."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Come on, Aadhya, let's go. I have got some popcorn, ice-cream and coke."

As soon as Pallavi completed her sentence, she grabbed Aadhya's arm and started dragging her towards the home theatre while the person who was being dragged kept glaring at Arhaan, who smirked in response.

When they finally reached the room, Aadhya pulled her hair in frustration and said,"I hate your brother. He is an absolute idiot. I don't know what the fuck he wants from me. He hurted me first, broke my heart and now, he wants to come back into my life? Idiot. Asshole. Fucker. Imbecile. Dic—"

"Enough. Stop it, already. Stop wasting your frustration and anger here. Go and tell him all this."

And just like that, Aadhya's anger dissipated. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed,"I-I can't do that. No matter how much I despise him, I can't say all this in front of him."


"Because then I would feel guilty and I don't wish to feel anything for that bastard."

Pallavi sighed, pulled her onto the comfortable couch and put on their all time favourite series: Harry Potter.

And the rest of the afternoon was spent watching Harry Potter for the two best friends while Arhaan continued doing his work and thinking about the only woman who had ever corrupted his mind. And heart.

The woman who was full of surprises and the woman whom he had hurt so much. But not anymore. Now, he would do anything to protect her. Anything except going away from her.

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