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"Aadhya, what are you doing up so late?"

"Couldn't sleep. Why are you up so late?"

"Oh! I was just studying a file."

"New case?"

"Not really. Old case has been reopened. I am working on that."

"What is the case about?"

"Accusation of rape. Filed by Ms. Naina Shastri."

"Oh my God! That was filed in 2018, right? Why has it been reopened now?"

"I don't know. But, I heard my colleague say that the father of Ms. Naina said that he hadn't gotten justice. And, he would sue the entire police station if they didn't open the case. I don't know why, but I feel that something is fishy."

"Hmm. You know, your eyes and ears can betray you. It shows and makes you hear things which are not true. So, don't always trust your eyes and ears. Trust your instincts.

"I will."

"You are fighting for the victim?"

"Nope. The accused."

"What? Why did you take the case when you know that you will lose?"

"Who said I will lose?"

"You know that the law mostly favours women. Especially in rape cases. Most of the people would think that the man is in fault even if he is not."

"You told me to trust on my instincts, didn't you? I am doing just that. And, I know how Indian court works. But, the Judge can't make any decisions based on his theories or personal thoughts. He would have to hear both of the sides. And, I feel that this case is fake because the guy seems genuine to me. He hasn't even hurt a single bee. How would he be able to rape someone?"

"If you feel like that, then okay. I hope the true side wins."

Pallavi smiled,"I hope so too. Doesn't matter if I lose."

"Pallavi," Aadhya breathed out,"India needs lawyers like you."

"I am flattered."

Before Aadhya could respond, there was a loud gunshot resonating throughout the cold mansion.

Aadhya and Pallavi froze on their spot. It was as if they were paralyzed. They wanted to scream, run, move from there, but they couldn't.

Arhaan— who was sleeping just a few moments ago— was wide awake.

He stood up from the comfortable bed, moved towards his bedside table and opened the bottom drawer, making sure that his moves were smooth and steady.

Without making any noise, he took out a handgun and positioned it to the door.

Then, he looked around the room for any possible dangers before approaching his son, who was sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the dangers that were surrounding him.

Arhaan picked up his phone and called Akshay— his best friend and Second-in-command.

"What is all this ruckus?"

"I don't know, Arhaan. Those bastards ruined my sleep. They are going to rue this night. Fucking assholes."

"Stop cursing them and put your plans into action. Where is Pallavi?"

"How will I know?"

"Fuck! Isn't she in her room?"

"Check the cam— no, wait. I think I saw them."

"Them? Who else is with her?" He seethed.

"I–I think that's Aadhya. Yup! They both are hiding behind the couch."

My Sadistic Husband Where stories live. Discover now