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"What do you mean by she is not here?" An unfamiliar voice said.

"She had gone to visit her best friend and hasn't returned yet." The other person, present inside the dark room, said.

"Okay. Keep an eye on her every movement."

"You do know that what you are doing is not right?"

"Nothing is right and wrong when it comes to my love."

"Where was this love when she loved you?"

"Shut up. Get out before I strangle you."

"You love me too much to kill me. Anyways, you should know that Arhaan Ahuja is a very dangerous man. He won't hesitate to kill you."

"Don't worry. I have equal power and connections as Arhaan. He won't be able to touch even a single strand of my hair."

"If you say so." The other person walked out, leaving his best friend behind.


The rays of the blazing Sun fell on Aadhya's white skin. It almost burned her skin, but she didn't back off from her position. She continued to glare at Arhaan, who was persistent on keeping her here.

"What about not involving me and Aayansh in your world?"

"I take my words back. It would be quite impossible to hide you when you marry me."

"Who said I will marry you?" She didn't bother to hide the disgust in her tone.


"And, who are you to decide that for me?"

"Your husband."

Aadhya sighed and walked inside the house through the door.

She kept walking around the huge mansion, trying to find Pallavi, when suddenly, a pair of small hands wrapped themselves around her legs.

She smiled and looked behind her to see her son already looking at her with his huge, innocent eyes.
"Mumma! I heard we are going to stay here."

She crouched down to his height and kissed his forehead before replying,"For a few days."

"But, I wanna stay here forever. This place so cool. There's a playground, pool and garden."

"We will talk about this later. Now, do you want to play in the backyard or come with me?"

"I wanna play. Bye, mum."

"Bye, sweetie." She smiled at him.

Then, she ascended the huge, spiral staircase and reached the first floor.

The floor of the corridor was covered with a red coloured carpet, giving it an ancient vibe.

The whole corridor was so long that her legs started aching by the time she reached the end of it.

She groaned when she didn't find her best friend.

"Why does he even need this mansion? That bastard is just wasting land."

"Ma'am? Do you want anything?" A maid, who was passing by, noticed Aadhya mumbling something to herself and decided to help.

"Do you know where Pallavi is?"

My Sadistic Husband Where stories live. Discover now