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"I didn't." She said when she finally found her voice back from the initial shock.

"I like you."

"I don't." Was that a lie? She didn't know. She couldn't know until she cleared her head.

"I love you." Her heart skipped a beat at his sudden blurt.


"Look into my eyes and say that you don't love me." It was not a command, but a request.

And she obeyed like she was expected to, like a fool.

'Just look at his nose, and then say what you have to. You cannot say that you love him when you know you haven't forgiven him yet.' What was this? She didn't love him, right? Then why was that annoying voice in her head commanding her to not admit something she actually didn't?

Was it making any sense? No, right? It wasn't to her either.

'Just follow my orders.' That voice told her again, grabbing her attention from her confused thoughts.

Again, like a good girl, she obeyed that confusing voice and looked at his nose, then said,"I don't love you." and even though she was sure that she didn't love him, it hurt her mentally to say those words.

Hurt consumed Arhaan's body for a split second before he noticed her gaze. Her eyes on his nose was not at all obvious, but he had been a good observer from his early childhood and had managed to pick on the slight tilt of her eyes.

He lifted her chin with his index finger and directed her gaze to his eyes.

She tried to move her head but he held her chin firmly, making it impossible for her to move her eyes anywhere except his eyes.

'Change of plans. Now is the time for you to make use of that acting classes you took in 9th grade. Look into his eyes, pretend that you are an actress and he is an actor and say that you don't love him. Break his heart.' The voice yelled.

"I can't. I cannot break his heart." She replied back to the voice.

'You have to.'

She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, actually looked and not just pretended to.

She had to do what the voice told her to. She had made up her mind, but her determination crumbled right after she held his gaze.

His beautiful orbs made her want to drown in them. His eyes were filled with the emotions Aadhya had never seen.

She couldn't utter a single word now. It was as if her larynx had stopped doing it's work because it did not want her to do anything stupid.

"That's what I thought. I know you still haven't forgiven me, but I want you to know some things I hid from you." He hesitated for a second, but just a quick glance at her made him want to ramble those words out and give her some of his burden.

He continued when she nodded, a little confused at his hesitant behavior,"That day, you hearing my conversation was never a part of the plan. I never cheated on you. I could never do something my father used to do. It was just a pretend to lure that woman to open up to me. It was just business. And I know you feel that I slept with other women when we were married, but I didn't. I never told you before because I thought that was irrelevant. But now when you were, you know, I just wanted to clear all the misunderstandings. You can ask me anything and I swear I will try to answer your each and every question."


"Really." He nodded to show how much serious he was about this.

Silence prevailed in the room like a thick blanket on a cold morning. Aadhya couldn't decipher what she wanted to ask.

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