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The next day came by pretty quickly. The discharge papers had already been signed by Arhaan when Aadhya woke up.

She packed her things into a small bag Arhaan had carried the previous night and sat on a wheelchair which was rolled by a nurse to the reception area.

"Hey! You ready?" Arhaan asked as soon as he saw his wife.

Aadhya nodded and stood up from the chair with great difficulty. Arhaan immediately came beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist, helping her to walk towards the car awaiting them.

He opened the door for her and made her sit inside before jogging towards the other seat.

Then, he revved the engine and drove off towards the place he had started calling 'home'.

"So, what now? What will we do now that I am discharged?" Aadhya glanced at his side profile for a while before returning her gaze back to the buildings she was watching earlier.

"We will go on dates. I will try to convince you to stay. What else?"

"I heard you had postponed a lot of meetings while I was in the hospital. So, I am sure you will have a lot of work now."

He shrugged,"I am sure it must have been handled by Akshay."

"So, you aren't busy?"

"No. I can never be busy for my family." She smiled when he contradicted his statement from 4 years ago.

"You always used to say that you are busy and cannot give me time. What changed?"

"My feelings for you, and my point of view of love and family. You changed me, love." He extended his free hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"Gosh! Stop it. You are making me cringe so bad."

"Really? Why so?"

"You know, I feel like I am in a romance novel where the guy is all macho and alpha, and then a woman comes and changes him into a sweet and caring person."

"Only for her."

She didn't need to confirm it, it was hidden in his eyes that he knew. But what else could he do? Aadhya's life had turned into a book since the day she married him.

"Anyways, I am glad I could make you more human."

Then, the rest of the ride was spent in silence.

"We are here." Arhaan spoke to gain Aadhya's attention.

She looked at the mansion in front of her where she was sure her best friend and son were waiting for her.

Arhaan opened the door for her and helped her to get out of the car. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her toward him before handing out the key to the driver who was standing beside them.

"It's okay. I can walk by myself." She protested when Arhaan crouched down to pick her up.

"Shut up." He put his one hand under her knees and the other on her back, then pulled her up towards his chest.

"Don't you eat anything? You are as light as a feather."

"I will take that as a compliment."

Arhaan glanced down at her face and then chuckled to himself before resuming his walk to the double doors of the house.

"Hey! I missed you." Pallavi squealed as soon as she saw her brother and her best friend.

"I missed you too." Aadhya chuckled.

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