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Arhaan's life was never easy, even with all the money and fame.

He was smart enough to figure out that his parents were not like any other normal couple and so, he didn't bother them to spend some alone time with him.

He used to stay alone most of the time. He neither had parents nor any friends to give him company.

His father usually stayed outside for his business required him to stay overseas most of the time and his mother was always busy in her little kitty parties and tea parties.

He had to take care of himself and his little sister since his mother was busy in her own little life. Taking care of himself and Pallavi when he was just 10 years old was difficult, but he got through it.

He made her ponytails, attended her parents-teachers meeting and even packed their lunch boxes.

He did everything that a big brother should do, until one day his father came up-to him out of nowhere and ordered him to get ready and took him somewhere far away from the city.

After reaching there, his father told him to throw some punches.

He did.

His father told him to try harder and harder.

He did, until he could no longer lift himself and that was when his father knocked him out with a single kick.

The very next day, he was rudely woken up by his father who forced the little child to try harder again.

This continued for months on end without a break. Viraj Ahuja punched, kicked and slapped his own son without any mercy.

When Arhaan asked his father the reason of his doings, he said,"It gives me pleasure, you know. To hear the cries and pleas of my son. Besides, you have to be strong and capable to handle the mafia."

Then, the training was resumed again.

Arhaan was forced to train like a robot. Day and night.

Sleeping with broken bones, injured ribs and dismantled arms became a common thing for him.

Finally, after 5 years, he was dropped off at the house where his sister had been waiting for him.

They had a tearful reunion, but nothing remained the same after that.

Arhaan became cold, distant and brutal with everyone around him except his sister.

The innocent, sweet, 10 year old boy was replaced by the cold, brutal, 15 year old.

He got into fights almost every day, became a rebellious kid at school. The principal had complaints about him almost every day.

Pallavi was worried about her brother and tried to talk with him but he shut her out every single time.

Then, after a few years, he came home with a smile on his face after many years.

Pallavi was happy, of course, but she couldn't help being a little suspicious.

When she asked him, he said,"I got a girlfriend. She is so sweet and cute. I just love her."

"Really? That's great. What is her name again?"

"Sarah Agnihotri."

"The cheerleader of our school?"

"Yes. Who would have thought that the cheerleader would be so sweet and caring?"

She had just hummed and walked away at that time, but as the time passed by, she grew more and more suspicious of Arhaan's girlfriend.

Sarah had interacted with Pallavi a few times, but only when Arhaan was around. The rest of the time, she just ignored Pallavi like a plague.

While Pallavi was busy collecting proofs against Sarah, Arhaan had gotten pretty close to her.

They both hung around together often, made out in public, had sex a couple of times and went to a few dates.

When Pallavi had gotten enough proofs, she showed them to Arhaan who brushed her off saying that they might be edited.

When she tried again, Arhaan yelled at her and they had a big fight after which they stopped speaking with one another and Pallavi stopped collecting the proofs.

A couple of months later, Arhaan came inside the house with an emotionless face and went inside his room without any commotion.

Even though Pallavi had stopped speaking with him, she couldn't help being a little worried about her brother.

And so, she went inside his room and demanded an explanation which was granted almost immediately.

That was the night when Arhaan told her everything. From his sudden disappearance to Sarah's betrayal. That was the night when Arhaan confided in his little sister. That was the night when their bond became stronger than ever before.

Due to the past happenings, Arhaan's emotions flew out of his body and he became an indifferent beast.

He trained hard to vent out his anger and took over his father's illegal businesses but made sure that Pallavi was kept out of his mess.

At the age of 21, he was one of the most dangerous man who was capable to kill anybody with a snap of his fingers.

Then, out of nowhere, his life took a 360 degree turn when he was forced to marry a meek woman named Aadhya Jaiswal.

Because of his past rendezvous with Sarah Agnihotri, he believed that every women wanted sex, money and fame. So, he gave Aadhya mind-blowing sex without her will. He gave her money which she didn't want. He gave her fame which she didn't wish to have.

He did horrible things to her because he was disgusted by women.

He gave her a cold treatment after their marriage, made her sleep on the couch, said horrible things to her about her body, made her feel worse about herself.

And because she never retorted back, he thought that she didn't care what he said about her as long as he gave her what he thought she wanted, that was, sex, money and fame.

So, he continued his torture until Pallavi yelled at him and Aadhya divorced him.

Then, after 4 years, he found his ex-wife with his son and he couldn't be any more happy.

He convinced himself that he could live without her and let her go because someone like him didn't deserve someone like her. But when he saw her again after 4 years at the airport, his thoughts changed.

He wanted her back because he couldn't live without her and also because he had to protect her from her parents and his enemies who already had their eyes on her.

In the mafia world, for a man to protect a woman, they should have a legal relationship. Which was only possible if he married her.

And he knew that she wouldn't agree, so he planned to do one last thing without her will and then tell her everything.

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