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Unfortunately, the mansion was facing a power cut just when the sky was unnaturally dark and void of the Moon making it impossible for anyone to view anything.

It looked like it would rain any time soon, and so Aadhya moved about the area with a candle in her hand to close all the doors and windows.

Arhaan was scheduled to come back tonight and Aadhya couldn't help but worry a bit for him.

Even if she hated him with all her heart, she wouldn't want him to catch a cold and besides, it would be very dangerous to ride a vehicle during a downpour.

The past few days without Arhaan were quite uneventful for Aadhya. All she did was sleep, eat and repeat, besides playing with Aayansh who had come back after Arhaan's parents left because of some unavoidable business.

"Mumma, when will papa be back? He had promised me that he will play with me when he will be back." The little boy questioned his mother as he stuck to her side as she moved about the humongous house.

"I don't know, dear. Seeing the weather conditions, it will be quite difficult for him to come here now."


"Why are you not in bed, Aayansh? It's way past your bedtime. Don't you have school tomorrow?" Aadhya scolded him gently to avoid the topic which he was so keen on continuing.

"I will go to bed after I see papa."

"Honey, don't be so stubborn and go to your room, please. I promise your father will drop you off to school tomorrow if you sleep now."

"Pakka promise?"

"Pakka promise."

"Okay, then. Goodnight, mumma." Aadhya smiled and kissed his forehead before accompanying him to his room and tucking him to sleep.

Just as she came out of the room, a loud thundering sound startled her and she looked out from the window to see the sky lightened up by thunderstorm which was an indication of a heavy downpour.

Aadhya sighed and called her husband who picked up her call at the second ring.
"Hey, love. What a pleasant surprise!" His rich voice resonated in her ear which made her sigh unconsciously.

"I suggest you don't come back here tonight."

"Why not?" Aadhya could imagine him frowning and raking his hand through his silky hair.

"Have you looked outside? It looks like there is going to be a heavy rainfall. Don't drive during a downpour." Even though Aadhya had made sure that her voice came out indifferent, Arhaan had managed to pick out a hint of worry in her otherwise cold voice.

"My wife is worried about me? I am touched." He grinned.

"Of course not. Nobody is worried about you. I just don't want my son to be fatherless for real."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." A loud thundering sound stopped Aadhya from saying anything.

She bit her lower lip and looked outside to see that every road was filled with rain water and she could clearly hear the pitter-patter of the heavy rain.

"You hear that? Don't come here at this time."

"Whatever my wife says."

"Goodbye, Mr. Ahuja."

"Bye, Mrs. Ahuja."

She cut the call and pursued her lips to fight the smile threatening to escape on her pink lips.

Aadhya shook her head and went to sleep on his bed, in his room.


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