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"Congratulations, Ms Fisher

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"Congratulations, Ms Fisher. We are so delighted to have you on board," the man in the crisp black suit said with a gentle smile on his face.

Did I really just land this job? Did this really happen?

Not able to help myself—overwhelmed with happiness and relief—a chuckle leapt out of my mouth. "Thank you so much. It's such a pleasure to be able to work again."

Of course, during the interview, they were curious about the reasons my previous employer sacked me. As usual, I decided honesty was the best policy. I told them everything that had happened. From the start to the very end. Brian, one of the interviewers and the part-owner of the restaurant, called my ex-boss absolutely unprofessional. He even shared his experience about that one time they met during a food carnival in Los Angeles. Let's just say it left a bitter taste in Brian's mouth. Even after the interview was done, he couldn't stop talking about how much he would like to punch him in the face.

I guess it was unprofessional on his end to speak about someone behind their back, but honestly speaking? I couldn't care. It was the first time I finally had an opportunity to openly talk about the unfairness of everything that happened. And I couldn't explain how good that felt. So good.

"Well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then," Brian said with a smile and reached his arm out.

After we shook hands and bid goodbye for the day, I immediately called mom and shared the good news.

"I'm so proud of you, Zara. I told you it was just a phase," mom gushed, and I couldn't agree more. She was always right. "See, now everything is falling into its place. You know, when I woke up this morning, I felt so great. So positive. I knew at that moment something good was about to happen," she laughed. "Alright, enough talk. You need to treat yourself. I'm transferring you some money—don't you dare refuse or I'll be super mad—and buy something for yourself. Something good. Something black...maybe? Black looks so good on you, Zara."

I tried to reason with her. I really did. We should wait until I get my salary and then treat ourselves, I told her. But it was as if she had stopped hearing me after a while. She could be stubborn and really determined if she chose to be. And I knew like always that if I didn't do as she was asking me to, she would make me suffer from her silent treatments, which honestly could only get worse after every passing hour.

As expected, the second I disconnected the call, my phone buzzed. She already transferred some money as she had said.

After thanking Oliver—he was at work, so I simply left him a text—I called Brandon.

"Z, that's awesome news!" he said excitedly. "We need to celebrate. God, I can't wait to see you—uh—I mean, can't wait for the treat. Tell me where you are. I'll come and pick you up."

I told him that I'd be at the city mall. He promised to meet me there.

Considering it was my first-time shopping at a new place, I felt a brief hesitation crawling up my neck. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to get myself anything. But she would be gravely disappointed if I went home with no shopping bag in my hand. And after everything we'd been through in the last few months, I swore not to upset her anymore. In fact, I'd planned to get her something, too. Perhaps I could find a good deal. You know, buy one get one kind?

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