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The next morning when I saw Maddox, he was soaring down the stairs with the grace of royalty while I sat at the dining table, minding my breakfast

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The next morning when I saw Maddox, he was soaring down the stairs with the grace of royalty while I sat at the dining table, minding my breakfast. When one of the maids working in the kitchen noticed him pulling the chair, she quickly dropped whatever she had been up to and rushed to set his plate.

I rolled my eyes and focused on my breakfast, trying my damn hardest to ignore the heatwave of his gaze. Unlike any other day, all my efforts seemed in vain, considering the role I had played to piss him off by denying him his share of satisfaction. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a smidgen guilty myself. Maddox had never denied me the pleasure that was so hard to resist when he filled me so completely. In fact, he made sure to give me more than I hoped. He satisfied me beyond imagination. Not once, or twice, but every single time.

With a short mental groan, I tried to suppress that tiny little voice in my head. The one time I take some revenge on him and serve him what he beyond deserved, my conscience had to make me feel as if I did a fucking sin. No. I couldn't let that happen. I had to be stronger than these chiding voices in my head. I had to be much more decisive and fiercer if I wanted him to suffer the way I did. He had to learn how to fucking respect my consent and choices.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to realize the abrupt shift in the space next to me. I flicked my gaze up when I heard the scraping of wood against the tiles, and sure enough, Maddox Richmond had dropped his privileged ass next to where I sat.

My first instinct was to glower and get the hell up from my chair, not wanting to be anywhere near him, not when I knew he was possibly plotting a way to get back at me after the previous night. But maybe my movements were a tad slow. Before I could drive away from his scope, his sturdy arm swung forward and clasped around my elbow.

I let out a growl. "What? Can't a woman have some breakfast without being pushed and pulled around like a fucking object?"

The maids in the kitchen flinched at my raised voice, and it was only then I realized I shouldn't have done that in front of them. If Maddox's word was to be believed, his mother was keeping a close watch on us through these maids only. She would call them every day and inquire about our day. Probably curious for her own good if we were making any babies or not. Maddox had somehow made sense to them about our reason to sleep in different rooms. He probably told them I was some clean freak who didn't like her things disturbed or misplaced.

Shit. If Louis came to know I had been treating her son so rudely, she wouldn't blow a second to give me a long earful. Besides, according to the contract, I couldn't upset her or make her suspicious of the real dynamics of our relationship.

Fucking great. Now, I needed to fix this. Ugh.

Despite my snap, Maddox hadn't freed my hand. I used that to my advantage and sat down on his lap. "OK. Fine."

"What?" Maddox appeared utterly confused, though he hardly did anything to push me off. Like a fucking pervert that he was, he simply shifted his arms around my waist and secured me to his chest.

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