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"Look, I don't have all the time in the world," I shook my head, getting up and walking over to the other side of the bed where my jacket lay

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"Look, I don't have all the time in the world," I shook my head, getting up and walking over to the other side of the bed where my jacket lay. I slipped it over. "There's an important meeting that I need to attend in half an hour. And later this evening I might have to fly to London. But for obvious reasons, I can't leave you all by yourself. So, the sooner we get over this part, the better."

"What do you mean, you can't leave me all by myself? What does that even supposed to mean?"

I quirked up an eyebrow at her, but I should have probably seen this coming. She was mad at me, and might I say, for all the right reasons. But that didn't make me a fan of all questions she was tossing at me. I hated repeating myself and by asking the same question over and over again, she was making my head hurt.

"It means—I don't trust you with yourself. You're impulsive. And if one more time I have to hear about your sneaky adventures to date someone else, I might lose it for real."

If I told her right now, that man she was supposed to meet for the date yesterday was none other than me, she might grow even more aggravated. She would learn of the truth sooner or later, that I knew, but if I could use it for my benefit right now, I wouldn't mind.

Her shoulders fell at the mention of the date. Her eyes darted wide. "How do you even know?" she pouted, mumbling under her breath while anger continued to shimmer in her baby blue eyes.

"I know everything about you, Zara," it was true. After our first meeting in my office, at my word, Josh prepared a thorough file on her. "From the name of your elementary school to the man you lost your virginity to. I know everything."

Her mouth dropped, and her eyes grew even wider. "Have you been stalking me? Who the hell are you?" She sounded surprised, as if looking at me for the first time.

I laughed.

"As long as you do as I say, you don't have to worry about that," moving over to her side, I sank on my haunches and twirled a stray strand of her silver hair around my finger, giving a slight tug at it. "Rest assured, you wouldn't regret signing these papers, trust me. The clause about one-year duration is there just so you don't feel trapped in this marriage, and neither do I. If things don't work out, we can call it quits and go our separate ways. As simple as that."

Her eyes were still fixed on me, slightly confused, slightly taken aback. She didn't have to say it aloud for me to understand how ridiculous she thought this entire scenario was. Or that if I was insane. Truth be told, maybe it was a little...unconventional. But I had to do what needed to be done. Before arriving at her apartment yesterday, I asked my lawyer to prepare the contract. He delivered them early this morning. Zara was still asleep.

"It's not that simple for me," for the first time, she sounded something other than annoyed or aggressive. The sound of her voice dropped to despair, and she averted her gaze to avoid looking at me. "You might know a lot about me, but you'll never understand. And that complicates everything."

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