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I couldn't believe I accepted his invitation to meet again

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I couldn't believe I accepted his invitation to meet again.

Then again, why wouldn't I? Wasn't that something I wanted?

Besides, during our previous encounter in his office, three months ago, he did say he wasn't dismissing the issue, just merely pushing it further dates ahead.

In a weird, fucked-up way, he was keeping his word, wasn't he?

Should I admire him for that?

No. Why the hell am I even entertaining the thought? Gosh.

I still bristled with mad anger, thinking about the time when he accused me of being disrespectful and ill-mannered. I couldn't forgive him for shoving me to the door like I was nothing. For treating me as if he was so above me.

But something inside me was ready to compromise if things turned out better this time. If instead of being a huge asshole like the previous time he returned the house creating no unneeded scene.

I wasn't looking forward to any more blunders.


I had had enough of drama in my life in the past three months. I just wanted everything to go smoothly this time. Hopefully, it wasn't too much to ask for.

After convincing Maddox Richmond yesterday that 5 was too early for me to get off work, he agreed to shift our meeting to 7. So, here I was, at exactly 7, waiting to be called by his secretary, while I sat in the waiting room across from the reception desk.

I'd be honest. I was a little nervous to meet him. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't find a comfortable position to sit properly. I was full of nerves and anxieties, which was kind of odd because I usually handled unnerving situations with ample confidence and grit. Being the manager, I was used to dealing with pressure every day.

Yet, something was so unsettling about this entire ordeal. About our unexpected encounter yesterday. The way he spoke and looked at me as if...as if...there was entirely something else in his mind than what he was saying.

You literally slapped him that day! Do you really think it would thrill him to just hand over your home to you? Just like that? You really take him for being so stupid? He's definitely planning something wicked! Get out of here before it's too late.

And here it was, my conscience ranting again. For the hundredth time since yesterday. If only I knew how to shut this voice down in my head. It was driving me crazier than Brandon's weirdness. And that was saying something. It was part of the reason I had doubts regarding this meeting. It was like being pulled in the opposite direction from the one my heart really wanted to follow.

The last time I was on too much edge. And him being the jerk that he proved himself to be that day, I kind of lost my bearings sooner than normal. But this time I had the moment to pause, breathe and think it through. This time, I had better control over my anger. Or perhaps that was wishful thinking. Who was I to tell the difference?

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