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Sleeping on the couch had to be one of the worst things in the world. At least for those who weren't used to it, what's with all the neck pain and all, or was it just me? Unfortunately, that did nothing to stop me from lying on one and staring at the ceiling of Zara's apartment. After her dickhead father showed up yesterday, I couldn't leave Mrs Fisher alone.

I hadn't got a single clue about what was going on with Zara anymore, which deeply troubled me. We had been friends for so long that she was more of a family than just a friend. I was worried about her because she was not the same person anymore. I was worried about her because she'd got herself in deep trouble, and no matter how much she denied it, something didn't feel right.

Maddox Richmond was not just any trouble, he was dangerous. He might not be aware of my existence, but I knew him all too well. I knew the hideous face he disguised behind those charming smiles and fancy suits. I knew a lot more about him than anyone would like to give me credit for.

But that man was not my business, Zara was. And I had to know how the fuck she ended up marrying that asshole in just a matter of a month, especially after she humiliated him in front of his own people.

I should have cautioned her that day, or at least, talked to her. But at Nadine's wedding, when she washed him with wine and made him look like the dick he was, it satisfied me to know she would never fall for his charms.

That was my second mistake.

The first was to trust someone I should never have.

After spending the night at her apartment, when the morning arrived, I told Mrs Fisher not to leave the apartment at any cost and that if she needed anything, she could always call or text me and I would be there. And then I was off to my home.

I had known Zara and her mom for a very long time. We used to live in the same neighbourhood, went to the same public school, and had almost the same circle of friends before my parents parted ways and left me to choose sides.

Some days were the worst. And there were days more than once when I would feel like a dog with a leash around its neck, tugged in the parent's direction who wanted to show more authority. I wasn't saying they were bad people—I knew they loved me—they just...didn't work out, I believe. But whatever their excuse was, I couldn't wait to turn legal, to lead my life the way I wanted, and not like some baffled puppy with no sense of control or motive.

I wanted to live alone because I didn't want to choose. I didn't want to force myself to say whom I loved more, or with whom I wanted to stay. Perhaps that was the reason whenever life tried to push me into a corner to choose between the two people, I would rather not, it frustrated me beyond it was legitimate.

Before I even pulled up my car in the parking, I saw her standing on the porch.

Armonica stood in a pink dress with her back facing the main entrance and her eyes gazing in the direction I was. Just to find her outside my home, waiting for me, something funny twisted inside me. I couldn't help but notice the way she looked so ethereal in that dress that hugged her curves and barely brushed her knees. Her dark hair framed her face as if it loved the way her smooth skin felt against them. And then there was that smile...

Before getting out of the car, I took a few deep breaths and told myself to stay focused. If one more time I allowed her to distract me with her brilliant smile and dazzling eyes, I would be the most disgusting dick in the world. And God forbid, no one wanted to be disgusting. Or a dick. Or both.

"Good morning," she chimed, and it only took a small smile to widen on those pink lips and my heart was galloping too fast for what could be normal. "I wasn't sure what time you have your breakfast, so I brought some..." lifting her arms, she jingled the paper bags she carried, something I only then noticed.

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