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"You didn't tell me your boyfriend could be so intimidating," Finn sighed, his back pressed against the door as he held on to the grocery bags for the life of him

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"You didn't tell me your boyfriend could be so intimidating," Finn sighed, his back pressed against the door as he held on to the grocery bags for the life of him. His eyes fell shut in relief as he took a minute to calm himself down.

Poor thing just had a small encounter with Maddox Richmond and he already looked on the verge of pissing his pants.

I felt bad for him.

But that did nothing to stop me from frowning and looking away in exasperation. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Are you sure?" was his immediate reaction.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, I turned to face him. "You think I'm lying?"

"No!" peeling himself off the door, he walked over to the open kitchen counter, placing the bags down and peering into it. "But people could be ignorant of their feelings," he paused, lifting his gaze to meet mine. "Or of others."

I frowned harder, not sure what he was insinuating. "Do you always talk in riddles?"

"Not always," he said, turning to face me and leaning his side against the counter. "Anyways. I think he bought the whole act. What are you going to do next?" He arched an eyebrow and asked.

I sighed.

"I'll just head home first. I saw his car leaving. He probably won't be back until tomorrow."

"You know him well," he pointed out, and for some reason, I didn't like the way it made me feel. As if I did know him well. But it shouldn't come as a shock, right?

For the little while that I had known him it wasn't difficult to pick up on the tiny details. He was one stubborn man, he admitted that countless times himself. Not the one to give up so easily. He would go to any extent to please himself and his desires. No matter if the cost was the destruction of one or many. It didn't matter to him. Being filthy rich, he was used to getting whatever he wanted, and what he couldn't, he would play every trick in the book to get it.

And that's what scares me the most. That he wants me now, but he wouldn't in the future. He doesn't seem like the one who could be loyal to one woman. And after seeing how hard it was for mom to know my father left her just because he found someone younger, much wealthier and better, I couldn't throw myself into the same spiral as her. I'm not as strong as my mom. I won't be able to bear a cheating man in my life.

After Eddie the driver dropped me at the nearest subway—bless that man, I boarded a metro and went straight to Brandon's place. I hadn't contacted mom since the day before yesterday. I knew she would be worried sick, especially when she couldn't contact me at all.

As expected, upon seeing her, she bombarded me with all kinds of questions. I told her I broke my phone and couldn't contact her because of that. It was a blatant lie. Of course. But she didn't have to know the truth. That I had been running away—hiding—from a certain someone.

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