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*A Month Later*

"How's she doing?" I asked, focused on the files on the table while mindlessly twirling the pen between my fingers

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"How's she doing?" I asked, focused on the files on the table while mindlessly twirling the pen between my fingers.

"The same!" Jade responded sternly with a poker face.

Perhaps she was annoyed at me, too. Not that her being annoyed made any difference to me. But Zara hadn't spoken a word to me ever since she signed the contract. Even though we live under the same roof, I hardly saw her. She wouldn't leave her room as long as I stayed. It wasn't like I didn't try, but no matter what I said, no matter how nicely I asked, the door of her room would remain closed on me.

Obviously, she was angry. And if I were being honest, she had every right as well. I did cross a line. Forced her to sign that contract despite being aware that she was neither prepared nor willing. Perhaps that was the reason I decided to let her be for the time being. As long as I knew about her whereabouts, I was happy to give her as much space and time as she needed to come to terms with the new definition of our relationship. The fact that she was my wife now, the fact that she was a Richmond.

If only I could show her things from my point of view. Perhaps she would go easy on me after that. I might be filthy rich and dominant and possessive but there were things I had no control over. Some people were out there to hurt me, cause me permanent damage. And if they knew that I had grown a weakness over the past few months, she would become their target overnight.

My family had already suffered the consequences.

Especially Emily.

I couldn't let anything happen to Zara. She was the only reason that day I had to cut short my London business trip and return before the conference even ended. I had to force the responsibility upon Nathan to attend on my behalf. Of course, I had to endure his brand of tantrums for ruining his plans at the last minute, but hey, it wasn't every day I needed favours from others. It was an exception as it was. And even though he fixed me with prying eyes all the while I briefed him on the status of the project, I ignored him and refused to scratch his itch for gossip.

My reason was simple: Until I was done with her, she was my responsibility. I would protect her. Even if I had to threaten her to obey me.

Closing the file, I set the pen on the table and lifted my gaze to look at Jade. "How are the preparations coming along?"

"How would I know?" she shrugged, narrowing her eyes. "I'm not your assistant."

"Right!" I cocked my head to the side. "By the way—why have you been giving me cold eyes since last week? Did I do something to you?"

Instead of saying anything, she gave me the same cold eyes and poker face.

"Right!" I said and sighed. Too tired to read whatever the fuck she was silently trying to convey. I would rather just move to the next task at hand. "I'll take your leave then. I still need to fill Zara in on the activities for the night." Standing up, I stack all the papers and slide them into a file. Dropping them in the drawer.

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