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After the absurd encounter last night, I couldn't wait for the next morning to arrive and get the hell out of there

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After the absurd encounter last night, I couldn't wait for the next morning to arrive and get the hell out of there. Maybe it was my luck having a bad time these days. What else could explain this series of unfortunate events?

The man who attacked me last night turned out to be Zachary Gracias—dammit, who would have thought? He was the older brother of Armonica. Obviously, to tell her what happened between me and her brother wasn't an idea I was willing to attend. She had the kind of personality whom you wouldn't want to hurt.

Perhaps I would give Zachary a rebate this time. It could have been an honest error. After all, he clearly had mistaken me for someone else...some Rodriguez...not that it made his actions any less grave. The man was still a jerk! The best way to avoid him and this situation completely was to leave right away. I already had Maddox Richmond to make my life a living hell. There was no need for me to invite another.

If I had assumed right, Maddox would have flown to London by now and I could use that time to go back home and plan my next course of action. I had to find out a way to remove him from my life or he would keep pestering me until either I lost my sanity or he lost his life.

My last resort was to poison him and bury him fifty feet under and leave the country for good...but after watching enough crime shows, even I knew that almost never worked.

Nevermind...I'll just think of something else. Uff!

As planned, I left bed early this morning, took a quick shower, and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. However, the second I walked out of the room with all my bags and stuff, just around the corner of the long hallway, I bumped into someone.

"Oh!" someone gasped.

Files dropped to the floor. Papers flew everywhere.

"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry!" the same someone apologized, sinking to her knees and hurriedly collecting all the papers and dumping them in the files.

It felt wrong to just stand there and not help.

I sighed. "Wait, let me help!" Putting the bag on the floor, I sat down on my haunches and picked up all the loose papers around my feet. They had scattered all over the place.

"Here!" stacking them all in one thick pile, I handed her over.

The girl gladly accepted them before rising to her feet. She didn't look like one of the maids who worked here. I couldn't help but wonder who she was.

Wait, a minute. How was that my concern? I was leaving this place, was I not?

"Thank you so much," she spoke politely, but she kept her gaze glued to the floor, never meeting my eyes.


"You'll still have to put them in order," I pointed out casually, realizing that she kind of looked stressed and upset. Her flushed cheeks were enough evidence that she had either cried or was on the verge of.

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