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"What did you do to piss off a woman that bad?" My younger brother, Nathan, smirked, having the greatest time of his life as he watched me walking out of the shower after that crazed woman soaked me with a fucking red fine

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"What did you do to piss off a woman that bad?" My younger brother, Nathan, smirked, having the greatest time of his life as he watched me walking out of the shower after that crazed woman soaked me with a fucking red fine.

I'd be honest. I fucking didn't see that coming. When she stepped closer and leaned down as if about to kiss me, I got over my head as usual and thought she was finding it just as hard to resist me as I was to her.

Man, was I wrong?

But the weird part of the entire fiasco was I couldn't be mad at her.

I mean, sure, I was angry, and it made me furious that she would humiliate me like that in front of so many people, in front of my guests, and I was sure going to make her pay for her acts, but...after seeing her tonight, in that sizzling red dress with a slit running down her thigh, my mind was blown. I couldn't fucking think straight. It was like another slap to my face, the one that stung even harsher than the time Zara did in my office. It was a brutal reminder that I fucked up. That if I had been careful and observant of our past interactions, she would have been at the wedding as my woman and not some stranger I couldn't even care to look at.

Out of sight, out of mind. That had been my life mantra for the past month. After she stormed out of my office, leaving me with a threat that she was going to make my life hell, I had been patiently waiting for her to strike. I was curious to know how she would plan my downfall, how she would make me pay for all the awful things I did to her, the hell I made her go through. I waited, waited and waited some more. But nothing happened. I never even saw her again. And as bizarre as it might sound, it was frustrating as hell.

As far as I had known Zara Fisher, she wasn't a woman to back down so easily. She was strong-headed, short-tempered, and self-assured. Something I had come to admire about her. Who wouldn't be in their right mind? A strong woman who knew what she wanted from life. It was impressive as fuck. Any man would be happy to kneel in front of her and wait for her to wrap them around her tiniest finger. Fuck, I would let her wrap me up like Christmas lights, too. And considering my past record—arrogant, narcissistic and uncaring—that was saying something.

"Don't you have a wedding to attend?" I snapped while blow-drying my hair. "What the hell are you even doing here?"

"I came to check up on my older brother, that's all," he rolled his eyes. "Is that such a sinful thing to do these days?"

I stared at him for a few good seconds in the mirror. He was leaning against the wall next to the window. His sharp eyes stared back with no shame.

My younger brother finally got married tonight to his longtime girlfriend. I was happy for him and his future, but he was being a dick right now and I couldn't handle it.

He was the first to crack. "OK. OK. I'd admit, I came here for the details. The whim was hard to resist."

"You mean the gossip?" I rolled my eyes, patting the towel on my body and drying myself off. "Your wife is rubbing off on you and you just got married. You sure marrying was the smartest decision? You could have used a few more years of a bachelor's life before cuffing yourself to one woman."

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